Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi/ Kamil Özdağ Faculty of Science

Department Of Physics


Department of Physics

Department of Physics with all academic team aims to educate our students with the latest modern technology , to teach the basic knowledge of physics and to provide qualified physicists with cultural accumulation and communication skills who can produce solutions to problems.

Physics is a fundamental science that interacts strongly with many science fields such as Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and Engineering.

Department of Physics consist of the following science branches;

• Atomic and Molecular Physics

• General Physics

• Solid State Physics

• Mathematical Physics

• Nuclear Physics

• High Energy and Plasma Physics

Currently, there are 1 professor, 2 associate professors, 4 assistant professors and 5 research assistants in our department. Moreover, there are academic studies at the graduate level coordinated with various universities.



The basic aims of the Department of Physics are

. To teach modern and well trained individuals who own national values, care about ethical values, think critically, have entrepreneurship and have self-confidence,

. To contribute to the scientific and technological developments by producing information at the universal dimension,

. To produce projects that can contribute to the competitive power of the Turkish industry and the national technological development worldwide.



The vision of our department is to train the students with the qualified education while producing knowledge at international level, improving constantly, contributing to the society, supporting the business cooperation with industry, following current studies in physics in the world and contributing to their implementation and development in the department where these are an honour to be a member of the department.