In accordance with the decision of the Senate of Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University dated 05.09.2012 and numbered 7-2012/59, our Faculty was approved for establishment by the Council of Higher Education on 27.09.2012. It was then submitted to the Ministry of National Education with the letter of the Council of Higher Education dated 05.10.2012 and numbered 6520-43612. Upon the letter of the Ministry of National Education dated 10.12.2012 and numbered 21094, its establishment was decided by the Council of Ministers on 17.12.2012 under the additional article 30 of the law on the organization of higher education institutions No. 2809, dated 28.03.1983. This decision was published in the official gazette on 25.01.2013, issue number 28539, officially marking its establishment. The faculty began its formal organization in July 2013.
Our faculty building is located adjacent to the campus mosque and library. Since the 2015-2016 academic year, our Faculty has been admitting students and offering a four-year undergraduate program along with an Arabic preparatory class. Students who pass the compulsory Arabic preparatory exemption exam have the opportunity to start directly from the first year. The undergraduate program determined by the Council of Higher Education for Theology Faculties is fully implemented in our Faculty, and our graduates have the same rights as those of other theology faculties.