Machine Program
General Information
The Machine Program is a two-year training program under the Machinery and Metal Technologies Department in order to train the qualified intermediate manpower needed in all levels of the industry in accordance with the quality and service philosophy that will meet the expectations of the age. The program has 60 student quotas. Courses are two groups, compulsory and optional. In the program, there are 120 ECTS courses in 4 semesters and 30 ECTS in each semester. For this purpose, students are given both practical and theoretical lessons. For the practical development of students, both the workshops available at the School and the facilities of the machinery industry available in our region are used. In addition to the courses, each student has to do at least 30 working days, an internship with industry-based education. Teaching in Machine Program; It is done professionally, supported by scientific, technological and regular workshop applications. In the course; theoretical and practical information is given by experienced instructors. Students who graduate from the Machine Program can be employed in machinery producing in the field of machinery in industry, research and development units and in various public institutions - organizations, in the staff of machine technicians, or they can open their own workplaces and operate independently.
To be industry-leading machinery associate degree program that closely follows technology in the age of Information Technologies.
Machine Program (Bologna) compatible with the international education process at the end of the education period; To educate qualified and effective "Machine Technicians", who are committed to professional ethical values, produce up-to-date and equipped information by continuing teaching, research and development activities, transfer theoretical knowledge to practice, turn their gains into practice, and offer the most appropriate solution to problems in the production industry.
The aim of the program is to train technical staff who can design and project a system, make computer-aided drawing, select the best material and tool in production, and process parts under the most economical conditions on the machine tool with appropriate methods. In addition, the student who graduates from the program has qualifications such as preparing programs for CNC machines, having ethical values required by the profession, compatible with team work and responsible.
To educate graduates who have acquired the knowledge needed by technological developments, gained the ability to apply, know the material, know the production techniques, use drawings and norms related to their profession, have knowledge and skills to solve professional problems, use modern devices, and have a diploma at the associate level.
Program Opportunities
There are 2 workshops in our department: Basic Manufacturing and Machining Manufacturing workshops. The Basic Manufacturing Workshop has a band saw, grinder and pillar drill bench and various welding machines. In the Machining Workshop, there are universal turning lathes, milling lathes, grinding lathes, drill lathes and CNC lathes. With the help of these benches that can be used in machinery manufacturing, it is possible to perform all of the applied courses practically. The raw materials to be used in the courses are provided by our School.
In addition, with the machine fairs opened in our region, technical trips are organized 1-2 times a year to the major industrial organizations of our country, and students' fairs, exhibitions, career days, etc. With the participation of such activities, perspectives are tried to be expanded.
Employment Opportunities
Higher Education Opportunities
Students who graduate from the program have the opportunity to continue with a higher education. Graduates who enter DGS (Vertical Transfer Exam) can complete a higher education by registering in the departments listed below if they get enough points.
Machinery Technician's Place in Industry
As a requirement of the theoretical and applied education and training he gained, Machine Technician is a technical personnel who establishes a connection between the engineer responsible for production and the technician, master, post office, worker who provides the production, and provides technical communication, and is a person sought at an intermediate staff distance.
Academicals Personal
Asst. Assoc. Dr. Yusuf DİLAY
Lecturer. See. Mesut KİLİT
Lecturer. See. Hüseyin KAYA
Lecturer. See. Adem ÖZKAN
Okunma Sayısı: 36