Electricity and Energy Department
General Information
Electricity and Energy Department in the Vocational School of Technical Science at the Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University was established in 06/14//2017 with the decision of Council of Higher Education. The Electricity and Energy Department is located at Yunus Emre Campus, Karaman.
Gaining the importance of science rapidly in our country, the Electric Programme in the department providing employment opportunity in all sectors used energy, automation, and electric energy is developed to meet fully the expectation from a technicer. In electricity department, a technicer whose role is established as an intermediate staff with the title of “Electric Technicer” between engineer and technician is trained to be worked in producing electric energy, establishing, operating, servicing and repairing any installments and machines to distribute and use the energy.
The department has 40 quotas. All courses in the department are divided into two categories: compulsory and elective courses. The electric program is a two-year associate degree program consisting of four semesters with each has 30 ECTS, and the total number of 120 ECTS. The students in the department take both theoretical and practical courses during the 14 weeks course period. Since vocational practice is the critical part of preparing student for professional life, the department provides students the usage of departmental lab and the labs located at engineering school, as well as local energy facilities. Along with the courses provided, the department offers 30 h compulsory industrial training. One ECTS refers 30 h work loads of student per semester. There are currently 2 lecturers assigned in our department.
Click for the course contents of the electricity program.
Teaching activities in our department are realized by implementing current scientific methods, technological development, and laboratory practicing. The courses in the department include individual study to support individual development, group studies for encouraging team work, preparing homework and projects, technical trip, practical studies supported by laboratory and industrial facilities.
Our mission is to train qualified electric technicers who can easily adapt technological developments, who always try to improve themselves, who also help the institution where they work improve, who implement scientific methods to their work, who approach a problem for the solution, who improve their analytical thinking ability, who prefer to be part of team-work, who always consider professional ethic values, and who always make individual health and work safety his priority.
Our vision is to be a prominent department that applies completely all quality standards while we target to reach industrial goals, and to train well-qualified electric technicerswith the guidance of science.
There are numerous benefits of electric energy while we should never forget that it is also dangerous energy. Our objective is to that train qualified electric technicers who follow the principles that can establishhigh qualityand safety electric installations for electricity producing, transmission, and distribution in line with scientific developments. For this objective, we aim to provide the necessary achievement that the graduated electric technicers from our department are able to work safely and with quality by means of the theoretical and practical courses taught by scientific methods.
Our goal is to train electric technicers who can perfectly provide information and work flow between administrative staffs and sub-units while he also do the duties determined in organizational diagram of industrial facility, who be the participant of problem-solving and application of business development, who can report business activities and program and control technological devices.
Program Opportunities
The practical aspects of the courses are realized by using tools, devices and experimental set-ups in the laboratories located at Vocation school of Technical Science and Engineering Faculty. Moreover, we provide hands-on experience to the students with the mechanism of university-industry collaboration. We also support the technical developments of the students through the industrial internship and technical trip to the local energy plants and industrial facilities. We may provide seminars from the experts in the field of electricity and energy upon availability of the experts. We organize project teams among the students to encourage them for practical applications.
Program Profile
Upon successfully completing the degree, the graduated students gain expertness the following fields: basic concepts of electricity and energy, DC and AC circuits, Measurement and control, electrical and energy calculation, electric machines, DC and AC motors, Electric Installations plan and applications, establishing automation systems, servicing and repairing industrial facilities, producing electrical energy, installing and analyzing transmission and distribution systems, analog, logical and power electronics circuits, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, electrical devices, servicing, repairing, and installing electrical systems, programmable logical circuits(PLC).
Academic Personnel
Lecturer : Mahmut HEKIM
Lecturer : Ömer PEKTAŞ
Occupation Opportunities
The graduated students can work in Turkey Electricity Distribution Company,Turkey Electricity Transmission Company, organizations such as Ministry of Energy, as well as the private sector, construction sector, indoor installations, and lighting systems, building construction industry, non-electric distribution and transmission systems, Factory automation systems, Transformer maintenance and repair work, Electrical appliance maintenance and repair of factories and other installations works,
Higher Education Opportunites
· The graduated student can continue to higher degree upon passing successfully the Vertical Transmission Examination
· Electrical Engineering
· Electrical-ElectronicsEngineering
· Electronics Engineering
· Electronicsand Communication Engineering
· Industrial Engineering
· Energy Systems Engineering
· Physics
· Aviation Electric and Electronics
· Control Engineering
· Control and Automation Engineering
· Meteorology engineering
· Aero plane Electrics-Electronics
· Space Engineering
· Electricity Teaching
· Electronics Teaching
· Electronicsand Communication Teaching
· Electronics Computer Teaching
· Energy Teaching
Okunma Sayısı: 23