Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi/ Vocational School of Technical Sciences

Architecture And City Planning Department Map And Cadastre Program

Architecture and City Planning Department Map and Cadastre Program


General Information

Map and Cadastre program; the measurement and production of maps of all sizes required by the country; applications related to cadastre and zoning maps; It is based on the bases of performing studies and applications of projects such as road, bridge, dam, tunnel. Graduates will have sufficient theoretical and practical knowledge to enable them to work in the public or private sector as a map cadastre technician. The main purpose of the program is to train competent “Map and Cadastre Technician” in the projects and applications for mapping, measurement and calculation, land registry and cadastral operations information systems, zoning activities, urban transformation applications, with the rapidly developing technology and increasing population, which are the infrastructure of the engineering structures needed by the society.

The Map and Cadastre program has 30 places. Courses are two groups, compulsory and optional. The Map and Cadastre program is a 2-year associate degree program consisting of 120 ECTS credits for 4 semesters, 30 ECTS each semester. Map and Cadastre program students are given practical and theoretical lessons during the 14-week course period. In addition to the courses, each student has to complete their internship education for at least 30 working days in institutions operating in public and private fields.


To become a well-respected national and internationally recognized program that provides education and training to meet the demands of public institutions and the private sector by following the current technologies, and offers its graduates to the service of the country and humanity.



To the students who want to take education and map and cadastre education at the associate degree level, equipped with up-to-date information, competing nationally and internationally, successfully fulfilling their duties and preferred in business areas, having a systematic approach to problem-solving and gaining design ability, creative, entrepreneur and teamwork. It educates people who are prone, sensitive to environmental, health, safety issues, who can keep up with technological innovations, who are aware of social, economic, political, legal content in professional activities undertaken within the framework of ethical rules.



Will be able to meet the demands of public institutions and the private sector on cartography,

confident, gained professional knowledge and skills, able to follow technological developments, comprehend the spirit of teamwork, expressing and communicating himself in writing and verbally, To train "Map and Cadastre Technicians" who can carry out their work within the framework of professional and ethical responsibilities.



To train specialist technical personnel in areas such as land surveys, assessment and location determination, setting up and questioning the information system, applying location information instead of using advanced technologies, and evaluating legal and technical information about property ownership. It is aimed to educate Map and Cadastre graduates as individuals who have sufficient professional knowledge, who can continuously improve themselves in line with technological developments, who have high application skills and who benefit their country professionally.


Facilities of the program

In the academic year, field applications of associate degree courses will be carried out in the field environment, computer-aided applications will be carried out in Technical Sciences Vocational School computer laboratories. Work can be done by establishing project teams to encourage students to practice.


Program Profile

The map and cadastre technician, who creates and applies the map and map information of engineering projects, has critical duties in all public works projects, especially urban and rural areas. Especially in recent years, information technologies such as Geographic Information Systems, Global Locations, Remote Sensing are the areas of duty of the mapping technician. The department trains the training of expert technical staff on subjects such as land and industry measurements, assessment and location determination, setting up and querying the information system, applying location information instead of real estate, and evaluating legal and technical information about the property, using modern technologies in every period. It has targeted.


Academical personal

Assistant Professor     : Fuat BAŞÇİFTÇİ

Lecturer                      : Yusuf DOĞAN

Lecturer                      : Buket AYTEN


Employment Opportunities

With the title of the technician, our graduates will be able to create horizontal and vertical control networks that will provide a base for professional activities, road, railway, bridge, dam, pipelines, subway, tunnel projects and their application to the land, determining the location by using satellites, creating spatial databases and geographical information systems on various topics. He works in public and private institutions operating on urban and rural area regulations and related legal studies, zoning practices, cadastral studies, expropriation, real estate (real estate) valuation. Students who graduate from the Map and Cadastre Program and who will receive the title of Map and Cadastre Technician will be able to work in the following employment areas.


Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation,

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry,

General Directorate of Agricultural Reform,

General Directorate of National Real Estate,

General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre,

İller Bankası A.Ş. (İlbank),

General Directorate of Highways,

General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works,

Turkey Coal Enterprises Authority (TKİ),

General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA),

Turkey Electricity Transmission Company (TEİAŞ),

Turkey Electricity Distribution Corporation (TEDAŞ),

Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD),

Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) Regional Development Administration,

The Republic of Turkey State Railways (TCDD),

General Directorate of State Airports Authority (DHMİ),

General Directorate of Mapping,

Pipelines and Oil Transportation Joint Stock Company (BOTAŞ),



Gas Distribution companies,

Construction companies,

Geographic Information System Companies,

Real Estate Investment Trusts,

Real Estate Valuation Companies,

Mining Companies


Higher Education Opportunities

Students who graduate from the program have the opportunity to continue with higher education. Those who successfully complete the map and cadastre program can continue the undergraduate programs of Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering, Geomatics Engineering, Forest Engineering, Geological Engineering, City and Regional Planning, Environmental Engineering of the relevant Universities if they pass the Vertical Transfer Exam (DGS) opened by ÖSYM. In addition, all graduates have the opportunity to continue and complete their undergraduate programs in the Faculty of Economics or Business Administration from the third grade.


Okunma Sayısı: 4