Distinguished Academicians

It is an honor for us to welcome you at I. Karaman International Language and Literature Congress which is going to be organized at Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University in Karaman, the capital of Turkish Language, on 7-9 November 2018.

We aim to bring together the academicians interested in language education and teaching, linguistics and literary fields to present their theoretical and practical academic studies at the congress. We are proud of serving as a bridge for you to share your research and studies including the topics such as Significance of our Mother Tongue Turkish, Education and Teaching of Turkish, Teaching of Turkish as a Foreign Language, Foreign Language Education and Teaching, Literary Research Methods, Teaching Literature, Linguistics, Interdisciplinary Studies on Language, Translation and Lingustics Studies etc.

The deadline of abstract submission is August 20, 2018. The congress language is Turkish (used in Turkey). The abstracts can only be prepared and sent in Turkish and in English. The foreign participants may present their papers in their languages if they want; but the turkish version of their papers will be reflected on the wall behind within a slide projection. KUDEK1-2018 is a peer-reviewed and international congress. The papers accepted by double-blind refereeing to be presented at the congress are going to be published in a peer- reviewed journal determined according to the participants’ choices and the decision of the organizing committee, in 2019.     

You can share your questions, opinions and suggestions about the congress with us by writing from the "Write Us" section on the homepage of our website or to In order to get further information about the congress you may visit the links ont the web site “” as well.

The distinguished academicians, we hope to see you at the Karaman I. International Language and Literature Congress. We wish you success in your studies.

Greetings and Best Regards.

KUDEK Congress Organizing Committee