Faculty Of Art, Design and Architecture


The mission of our faculty is to provide a qualified art education by protecting the cultural values transmitted from the past to the present and by embracing the contemporary understanding of art understanding. While being aware of the universality of art, it is also to protect Turkish Art and artists. To raise people who are effective and competent in their fields, who are self-confident and free, who can think freely, who have an academic mindset and who develop their talents in the right way with the education they provide. With its students and academic staff, our faculty has adopted the principle of protecting and preserving the principles and values of the country and the university at the highest level by combining artistic studies with social responsibility.

The vision of our faculty;

To be academically and artistically preferred in Turkey and in the world,

Pioneering and progressive in its field with its academic staff,

Promoting all dimensions of art, from universal to local, and sharing its knowledge,

Qualified art education at all levels, including undergraduate and graduate education,

To be a faculty of art, design and architecture that succeeds in being original, innovative and enduring in its productions.