Department of Biology


Our Department started its activities under the Faculty of Science with the establishment of our university in 2008.


Biology department supports the transmission of fundamental teachings of life sciences to undergraduate and graduate students in higher education standard. In this context, in a valuable geography which has biological richness like our country, biology science consist the center of studies for defining plants, fungi, animals and microorganisms, both spatially and biologically, as well as revealing their biological structure and functions. It also integrates into the sustainable dynamics of fundamental sciences by uncovering their genetic structures, determining ecological problems, contributing to environmental policies and providing solutions.


Therefore, in the 21st century, which is an age of science, the science of biology gradually increases its value with its multi-dimensional interactions in the competition of our country with other world countries. In this case, it has been unanimously recommended law in the 20th National Biology Congress that the concept of “Biologist” as a qualified profession has been included in the public personnel as follows:


“The biologist is the person who examines all living things, their interactions with each other and their environment, by scientific methods, and applies and implements it in the fields such as education, agriculture, forestry, health, environment, food, industry, biotechnology, etc. by obtaining the data from these methods, and has the authority to sign these results as report by signing them. ”


Sections of Biology Department

* Botany

* Ecology and Environmental Biology

* Hydrobiology

* General Biology

* Molecular biology and genetics

* Basic and Industrial Microbiology

* Zoology


In our department consisting of seven sections, there are 10 academic staff including 1 professor, 4 associate professor, 4 assistant professors and 1 research assistant whom has completed her PhD. Along with education activities at the undergraduate level, postgraduate (master of science and doctorate degree) education is also provided under the Institute of Science within the scope of projects mostly supported especially from non university resources (i.e:  Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey).


The infrastructure and device facilities required for academic studies (especially postgraduate education) are up-to-date in our department, which includes General Biology, Microbiology, Hydrobiology, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and Cell Culture Research Laboratories. For this reason, our students who graduate from our department at undergraduate and / or postgraduate level can participate in academic life, and can work as qualified personnel in public institutions, non-governmental organizations and private sector related to their profession as qualified biologist.


Through an international platform, the Erasmus program and funds obtained from various sub-components of it, our bachelor's, graduate students’ and academic staff have gained valuable abroad experience at profession and social level through bilateral agreements with universities in Europe, and also their initiatives are encouraged. Moreover, under various calls funded by the Government of the Republic of Turkey, the international scholarship program encourages students from many different countries of the world and many of them prefer to get their undergraduate and/or postgraduate educations in our department in recent years.