

Farabi Exchange Program aims that university students and teaching staff members continue their education and training at an institution of higher education other than their owns during a period of one or two semesters. Farabi Exchange Program is based on students’ and teaching staff members’ voluntary participation. The objectives of Farabi Exchange Program which is expected to bring mobility and dynamism to the Turkish higher education system are as follows:
·        to increase the cooperation among the institutions of higher education,
·        to increase the quality of education in higher education programs,
·        to help the harmonization of academic programs,
·        to benefit from the teaching staff members in a more efficient manner.
Who can participate?
The Program is open to the students who are enrolled in the associate’s, undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D. degree programs of universities and institutes of technology. The Program is also open to the teaching staff members employed at universities and at institutes of technology.
When will the Program start?
Farabi Exchange Program will start from the summer semester of 2009. The applications are being accepted for the Program at the universities where the Farabi Institutional Coordination Offices have already been established. 
What are the main features of Farabi Exchange Program?
The Program envisages to grant scholarship to students and to pay additional course fee to teaching staff members as a financial support. In order to benefit from this financial support, the institution of higher education chosen within the framework of Farabi Exchange Program should be located in a different city from where the applicant lives. Signing a protocol between two universities and accepting the applications by Farabi Instutional Coordination Offices will be enough to initiate Farabi Exchange Program. 
Where can more detailed information be obtained about the Program?
Both legal and standard documents concerning Farabi Exchange Program and the schedule of 2009 are included in: http://turkuaz.yok.gov.tr/Farabi. The Program legislation and all the necessary standard documents needed for initiating the Program are available in the web site. Contact addresses of the relevant offices of the institutions of higher education involved in the Program are also available in the web site.