Message From The Head Of Department

Dear Students,
Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University, Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture was established with the Decree of the Council of Ministers dated 22.06.2017 and numbered 2017/10975, published in the Official Gazette dated 26.12.2017 and numbered 30252.  The Department of Traditional Turkish Arts started to admit students in the 2021-2022 academic year. 
Today, the Department of Traditional Turkish Arts, which continues its education and training, is one of the oldest departments in Turkey. Our aim is to educate students who are committed to their tradition, open to innovation and able to keep up with the rapidly changing world.  Our department, which today offers undergraduate education, aims to offer master's level education in the future.
Our department carries out its educational activities with 4 full-time faculty members and 1 research assistant. Studies are carried out in the academic field with academics who are experts in their fields. It is ensured that the information is kept up to date both through the projects carried out and through the collaboration with the private sector. Our department, which is open to all forms of cooperation, supports the contributions to be made by stakeholders.
One of our main goals is to train hardworking individuals who will protect their culture in a global world by preparing sustainable new traditionalist designers who are committed to tradition. We want to see you as future scholars, teachers and leaders in the private sector.
All classrooms and workshops in our department are open to students.
Assistant Professor Dr. Mustafa KONUK
Head of Department