Karamanoğlu  Mehmetbey  University  (KMU),  which was named after  the  third and  the greatest emperor of Karamanoğlu Seigniory  which declared Turkish as an official state language for the first time, was founded on the 29th of May in 2007.

Today,  Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University  provider higher education service with its ten faculties, three institutes, three colleges, six vocational schools and twenty two research centers.

Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University, which is among the important institutions of our country with over 17 thousand students, 53  undergraduate,  67 associate degree and 63 postgraduate programs and over 1000 staff, offers important contributions to the higher education community especially in Turkish language, clean energy, food and agriculture with its extensive  campus, laboratories and conference rooms with international standards, modern library, social and sportive facilities. Moreover, it aims to be a favourite higher education institution of people in its region by developing a brotherhood relationship with Balkans, Middle East and African countries.