Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi/ Faculty of Education

Faculty Board



 Professor Representative

 Prof. Münir OKTAY

 Professor Representative

 Prof. Hatice GÜZEL

 Professor Representative

 Prof. Gizem SAYGILI

 Associate Professor Representative

 Assoc. Prof. Cihat ABDİOĞLU

 Associate Professor Representative

 Assoc. Prof. Mustafa ÇEVİK

 Assistant Professor Representative

 Assist. Prof. Kasım KARATAŞ

 Chief of Primary Education Department

 Prof. Gizem SAYGILI

 Chief of Mathematics and Science Education Department

 Assoc. Prof. Cihat ABDİOĞLU

 Chief of Educational Sciences Department

 Assoc. Prof. Abdullah SELVİTOPU

 Chief of Special Education Department

 Assist. Prof. Neslihan ÜNLÜOL ÜNAL

 Chief of Turkish and Social Sciences Education Dep.

 Assist. Prof. Halil Erdem ÇOCUK

 Chief of Foreign Language Education Department

 Assoc. Prof. Cihad ŞENTÜRK

 Chief of Fine Arts Education Department

 Assist. Prof. Gülçin ZEYBEK


 Mehmet Hakan BİLGİN