Faculty of Education

Faculty Board


 Prof. Dr. Cihat ABDİOĞLU

 Professor Representative

 Prof. Dr. Gizem SAYGILI

 Professor Representative

 Prof. Dr. Özlem SADİ

 Professor Representative

 Prof. Dr. Cihat ABDİOĞLU

 Associate Professor Representative

Doç. Dr. Fuad BAKİOĞLU

 Associate Professor Representative

 Doç. Dr. Zeynep TEMİZ

 Assistant Professor Representative

 Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Çetin TOPUZ

 Chief of Primary Education Department

 Prof. Dr. Gizem SAYGILI

 Chief of Mathematics and Science Education Department

 Prof. Dr. Özlem SADİ

 Chief of Educational Sciences Department

 Doç. Dr. Hülya ERCAN

 Chief of Special Education Department

 Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Hüseyin KOÇ

 Chief of Turkish and Social Sciences Education Dep.

 Doç. Dr. Halil Erdem ÇOCUK

 Chief of Foreign Language Education Department

 Doç. Dr. Cihad ŞENTÜRK

 Chief of Fine Arts Education Department

 Doç. Dr. Gülçin ZEYBEK


 Süleyman TUNÇEL