The History Department consists of the following main branches: Ancient History, Medieval History, New Age History, Modern History, Ottoman Institutions and Civilization History, General Turkish History and History of the Republic of Turkey.
Ancient History
This branch deals with studies on political structures in the Sumerian, Egyptian, Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Hittite, Urartian, Phrygian, Lydian, Roman and Persian empires, as well as Anatolia, the Greek mainland and Mesopotamia regions, starting from prehistoric times. It is also aimed to make competent use of resources belonging to ancient civilizations.
The academic staff working in this branch are;
- Prof. Dr. Mehmet Kurt (Head of Branch)
- Assistant Professor Esra Atcı
- Assistant Professor Şenol Yurdakul
Medieval History
This branch mainly deals with the political, social and cultural status of Turkish-Islamic and European history during the period starting with the division of the Roman Empire into two as a result of the Migration of Nations and ending with the conquest of Istanbul. It also examines the history of societies in different geographies of the world within the specified chronological time period. Apart from this, the subjects of Seljuk History, Turkification of Anatolia, Oghuzs, Turkmens and Anatolian Principalities are also within the scope of this branch.
The academic staff working in this branch are;
- Associate Professor Mehmet Ali Kapar (Head of Branch)
- Assistant Professor Mevlüt Günler
- Res. Asst. Mustafa Enes Kaan Kılınç
New Age History
This branch deals with the establishment and rise periods of the Ottoman Empire. In this context, the foundation issues of the Ottoman Empire, the birth and development of the classical institutions of the Ottoman Empire, the political, economic and social developments experienced with the conquest of Istanbul, European history during the Renaissance and Reform era, and Mediterranean history in the pre-modern period are the main subjects examined by this department. The studies of the Department of Modern History were initiated with the conquest of Istanbul by Fatih Sultan Mehmed in 1453 and ended with the French Revolution in 1789.
The academic staff working in this branch are;
-Prof. Dr. Uğur Kurtaran (Head of Branch)
-Associate Professor Fadimana Fidan
Modern History
This branch generally covers the time period from the French Revolution of 1789 to the end of World War I, and according to some approaches, to the abolition of the sultanate (1922). The historical process mentioned is a period in which many concepts and ideas emerged, as well as social and political structures that are still valid. This department generally covers the American War of Independence, the French Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, the 1830-1848 Revolutions, the geography of Turkestan and developments in the Far East, modernization movements in the Ottoman Empire, the 19th century Ottoman political history, the 2nd Constitutional Monarchy and World War I.
The academic staff working in this branch are;
-Prof. Dr. Mehmet Mercan (Head of Branch)
-Associate Professor Mustafa Durdu
-Assistant Professor Emre Koç
-Res. Asst. Dr. Nazik Betül Güney
Ottoman Institutions and Civilization History
This branch covers topics such as the political and administrative structure of the Ottoman Empire, the organization of the state, the legal system, the economic structure, social regulations, cultural and artistic interactions. At the same time, the complex and multifaceted structure of the Ottoman period is examined by conducting research on written documents, archival records, archaeological findings and other historical evidence.
The academic staff working in this branch are;
-Assistant Professor İlker Kiremit (Head of Branch)
-Assistant Professor Kübra Dursun
General Turkish History
This branch includes the history of eastern and northern Turkishness and the history of Turkish communities living outside of Turkey. The field of General Turkish History examines the history of the Hun, Göktürk, Uyghur states, other Turkish tribes that established states in Central Asia, and the European Huns, Bulgars, Pechenegs, Oghuzs, Khazars and Kipchaks who ruled north of the Black Sea, starting from the Pre-Islamic Turkish History until the 13th century. XIII-XIX. Another field, which corresponds to the 19th and 19th centuries, focuses on the history of the Khwarezmshahs, the Mongol Empire, the Chagatai Khanate, the Golden Horde and its successor states, the Timurs and the Turkestan khanates. In this field, the Turkish World from the 19th century to the present is also examined, and the history of the Uzbek, Kazakh, Turkmen, Kyrgyz, Karakalpak and Uyghur Turks living in Western and Eastern Turkestan, as well as the Tatars and Bashkirs living in the Volga-Ural region, the Crimean Tatars, the Turkish communities living in Siberia and the Caucasus Turks are also examined.
The academic staff working in this branch are;
- Assistant Professor Melikşah Arslan (Head of Branch)
History of the Republic of Turkey
This branch aims to deeply examine the issues related to Anatolian geography between the declaration of the Tanzimat Edict and the early 2000s, to recognize and know the works and events produced during that period, and to investigate the gains obtained from the rich cultural heritage. In this context, the National Struggle Period, the establishment process of the Republic of Turkey, the political, social and cultural reforms made during this period, the evaluation of the Atatürk and İnönü periods on a political, social and economic scale, the transition to multi-party political life and Turkish Foreign Policy are researched and courses are given on these issues. The Department of History of the Republic of Turkey conducts interdisciplinary studies in the fields of International Relations, Public Administration, Turkish Language and Literature, Sociology and Journalism in terms of the subjects in its field of study.