The Academic Energy Research Unit, which was established under the structure of Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University, was established in 2016 with the purpose of conducting inter-disciplinary R & D activities in the field of energy. Selmin ENER RUŞEN has been established by the faculty member.

Our research group gives R & D studies on Energy Efficiency Education and Measurement, Energy Efficiency and Management, Solar Energy Systems and Solar Radiation.  

Energy Efficiency in field studies, renewable energy systems and energy efficiency technologies production and design, industry-wide energy management and consulting, energy pre-detailed survey, energy control-measurement, new technologies and R & D studies have a strong potential in our region It is aimed to develop cooperation between industry and university.

In addition, Karaman province has a great interest as a Solar Energy Specialized Zone. In our province and Turkey in Solar Energy and making the radiation performance of the system will be installed by doing work on testing, ground and satellite data to determine high accuracy rate of global and diffuse solar radiation using, Modeling of Photovoltaic Systems and optimization studies are conducted.

Dr. Energy Efficiency Measurement and R & D Laboratories were opened at the Energy Systems Engineering Department of Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University (2016-2017) with the TL 600.000 budget development project carried out by Selmin ENER RUŞEN.

Dr. A total of approximately 60.000 TL budget BAP projects carried out by the faculty member Selmin ENER RUŞEN and the Solar Energy Testing and Measurement Laboratory have been established in the Department of Energy Systems Engineering (2017-Continues).

Dr. The project ası Energy Efficiency Center ile is planned to be established within the body of Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University by the KOP Regional Development Administration with a budget of 1.500.000 TL carried out by the Faculty Member Selmin ENER RUŞEN.