March 13, 2019 WEDNESDAY

Official newspaper

ID: 30713


From Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University:




Purpose, Scope, Basis and Definitions


ARTICLE 1 -  (1) The purpose of this Regulation is to regulate the objectives, fields of activity, management bodies and duties of Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Energy Efficiency Application and Research Center and the procedures and principles regarding the way these bodies work.


ARTICLE 2 -  (1) This Regulation covers the procedures and principles of Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Energy Efficiency Implementation and Research Center's objectives, fields of activity, management organs and functions of management bodies and the manner of working.


ARTICLE 3 -  (1) This Regulation has been prepared on the basis of subparagraph (2) and sub-paragraph (d) of the first paragraph of article 7 of the Higher Education Law dated 25/02/1981 and numbered 2547.


ARTICLE 4 -  (1) In this Regulation;

a) Advisory Board: The Central Advisory Board,

b) Founding departments: Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University, Energy Systems Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering,

c) Merkez (KAREN): Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Energy Efficiency Application and Research Center,

ç) Manager: Director of the Center,

d) Rector: Rector of Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University,

e) Senate: Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Senate,

f) University: Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University,

g) Board of Directors:



Aims and Activities of Center

Objectives of the Center

ARTICLE 5 -  (1) The objectives of the Center are:

a) will be held in cooperation with the departments of transdisciplinary studies related to energy efficiency and interdisciplinary University of practices in energy efficiency by establishing a center to effectively contribute to the expansion in Turkey.

b) To conduct research on the efficient use of energy, and to carry out joint studies with national and international institutions and organizations, including other universities, conducting educational activities.

c) To provide a working environment with non-university organizations by conducting research and development activities to increase energy efficiency.

ç) To work on increasing energy resources and energy efficiency for the protection of the environment.

d) To work on easing the burden of energy costs on the budget.

e) To contribute to the establishment of energy efficiency reports in the buildings / systems in the university campus areas and to carry out activities to increase energy efficiency in the buildings / systems owned by the University.

f) To prepare reports on energy efficiency reports and their evaluation.

g) To collect and analyze scientific data on energy, energy management and energy efficiency.

Areas of activity

ARTICLE 6 -  (1) The activities of the Center are as follows:

a) Under the Energy Efficiency Law No. 5627 of 18/4/2007, to carry out energy manager training and certification activities in charge of carrying out energy management activities in industrial enterprises and buildings.

b) To measure the energy resources of the country, including the renewable energy resources, to prepare feasibility and sample application projects; develop pilot projects in cooperation with local government and non-governmental organizations.

c) To carry out research and development activities related to the efficiency in the production, distribution and consumption stages of energy.

d) To carry out activities in order to improve energy awareness and to benefit from new energy technologies throughout the society by providing awareness and education services related to energy and energy efficiency.

d) To carry out activities to improve effective and efficient cooperation between the University and public institutions and organizations, private sector and non-governmental organizations on energy.

e) To monitor and evaluate the works and developments in the field of energy and efficiency in the country and in the world, to determine the objectives and priorities in research and development in accordance with the needs and conditions of the country.

f) To provide consultancy services in the field of energy and efficiency to public institutions, industrial enterprises and other energy companies.

g) To cooperate with universities and other research institutions and international organizations at home and abroad, to carry out joint projects and joint works.

i) Organize and attend seminars, conferences, congresses, symposiums and similar scientific meetings at national and international level.

h) To follow studies in the energy efficiency field, universities and R & D activities in the field of energy in Turkey a coordination center to assist in the execution.

ı) To carry out information studies on energy efficiency and management at all levels of students, academic staff and other university staff in cooperation with the relevant units / departments of the University, and to make directive and integrative arrangements for research and development activities on this subject.

i) To examine the energy generating and consuming all the counters within the university, to examine the energy losses, to analyze the energy bills, to update the annual tons of equivalent petroleum (TEP) values ​​of the university, to analyze the energy production and consumption distribution.

j) To conduct market research related to the preparation and implementation of energy studies and efficiency enhancing projects (VAP), to prepare a report on the problems that may arise in preparing and implementing the agreements.

k) To conduct periodic energy studies according to the legislation and to evaluate the results.

l) To contribute to the creation of economic and environmentally sensitive designs in energy production, transmission and distribution.

m) To analyze the results by making measurements / measurements at the points required for the determination of energy losses.

n) To evaluate the efficiency of lighting fixtures and other equipment used in interior and exterior spaces. 

o) To give opinions to the relevant units in the preparation of the specifications for energy efficiency in buildings.

ö) To conduct scientific studies on energy management and efficiency, and to produce projects on these issues.

p) To investigate the possibilities of changing the energy composition and the use of alternative fuels; to prepare measures to protect the environment, to reduce emissions and to not exceed the limit values.

r) To identify and promote measures and procedures for the improvement of consumption habits and prevention of waste, and to organize training programs where necessary.

s) To prepare plans for energy needs and efficiency-enhancing practices, budget needs, cost and benefit analysis.

ş) To supervise the efficiency of energy facilities in the university campus by analyzing the energy production and transmission.

t) To carry out other activities determined by the Board of Directors within the scope of the objectives of the Center.

u) To perform other duties to be given by the Rectorate in accordance with the purposes of the Center.


Governing Bodies and Duties of the Center

Governing bodies of the Center

ARTICLE 7 -  (1) The governing bodies of the Center; It consists of the Director and the Board of Directors.


ARTICLE 8 -  (1) The Director shall be appointed by the Rector for a period of three years from among the faculty members of the founder departments, who work in matters related to the work area of ​​the Center. The expired Manager may be reinstated.

(2) The Director is responsible to the Rector for all activities of the Center. In the event that the Director leaves office before completing his term, a new Director is appointed by the Rector for 3 years under the same procedure.

(3) The Director shall submit to the approval of the Rector for the appointment of a maximum of two persons from the faculty of the university to serve as Deputy Director in order to assist him in the work related to the Center.

(4) The deputy directors shall carry out the duties of the Director. When the Director is absent, he / she acts as a substitute for a deputy director appointed by the Director. When the director's task is over, the deputy director's duty ends automatically.

Director's duties

ARTICLE 9 -  (1) The duties of the Director are:

a) to represent the center.

b) to chair the Board of Directors.

c) To carry out the work of the Center in accordance with its objectives.

ç) Call the Board of Directors for a meeting and prepare the meeting agenda.

d) To ensure the regular execution and development of the work of the Center.

e) Carry out administrative and financial affairs of the Center.

f) To supervise the activities of the Center and to inform the Board of Directors in this regard.

g) To investigate the possibilities of cooperation with institutions and organizations, universities and similar centers in Turkey and abroad.

ğ) To determine the needs, software, equipment, calibration costs, equipment, stationery, furnishing and consumables and similar needs of the Center and to submit it to the approval of the Rector.

h) To provide job description, division of labor and assignments in order to ensure timely and effective tasks in the units and laboratories of the Center.

ı) To make initiatives to develop the financial resources of the Center and to use them in the most appropriate way.

i) To submit to the approval of the Rector the appointment of the required persons within the Center if the Center needs it.

j) To provide all kinds of communication and coordination necessary for the best execution of the projects, courses and other activities carried out within the center.

k) To prepare an activity report and work program for the following year at the end of each year and submit it to the Rector for approval after receiving the opinion of the Board of Directors.

Board of Directors

ARTICLE 10 -  (1) Board of Directors; The program consists of five members, two of whom are appointed by the Rector, among the faculty members who are working in the Center's field of work.

(2) The term of office of the members of the Board of Directors shall be three years and the members whose term of office has expired may be reinstated. The new members are replaced by the Rector by the same method. The Director is the chairman of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors meets with absolute majority and decisions are taken by majority vote.

Duties of the Board of Directors

ARTICLE 11 -  (1) The Board of Directors; at least every two months, upon the call of the Director. The duties of the Board of Directors are:

a) To organize the work of the Center in accordance with this Regulation and the purpose of the establishment.

b) To discuss and resolve the annual work report and annual work program on the work of the Center.

c) To discuss and decide on any issues that may be brought by the members of the Board of Directors or the Director.

ç) To take necessary measures for the effective execution of the work programs of the Center.

d) To make financial arrangements of the activities to be carried out within the center.


Miscellaneous and Final Provisions

Coordination groups

ARTICLE 12 -  (1) Coordination groups may be formed by the Board of Directors in order to perform the works more efficiently for one or more service branches. Matters related to the duties, term of office, qualifications and number of persons of a coordination group are determined by the Board of Directors.

Spending Authority

ARTICLE 13 -  (1) The authorizing officer of the Center is the Rector. The Rector may delegate this authority to the Director to the extent he deems appropriate.

Staff needs

ARTICLE 14 -  (1) The academic, technical and administrative personnel needs of the Center shall be met by the staff appointed by the Rector according to Article 13 of the Law No. 2547.

Circumstances without provision in the regulation

ARTICLE 15 -  (1) In cases where there are no provisions in this Regulation, the provisions of other relevant legislation are applied.


ARTICLE 16 -  (1) This Regulation shall enter into force on the date of its publication.


ARTICLE 17 -  (1) The provisions of this Regulation shall be executed by the Rector of Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University.

March 13, 2019 WEDNESDAY

Official newspaper

ID: 30713


From Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University:




Purpose, Scope, Basis and Definitions


ARTICLE 1 -  (1) The purpose of this Regulation is to regulate the objectives, fields of activity, management bodies and duties of Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Energy Efficiency Application and Research Center and the procedures and principles regarding the way these bodies work.


ARTICLE 2 -  (1) This Regulation covers the procedures and principles of Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Energy Efficiency Implementation and Research Center's objectives, fields of activity, management organs and functions of management bodies and the manner of working.


ARTICLE 3 -  (1) This Regulation has been prepared on the basis of subparagraph (2) and sub-paragraph (d) of the first paragraph of article 7 of the Higher Education Law dated 25/02/1981 and numbered 2547.


ARTICLE 4 -  (1) In this Regulation;

a) Advisory Board: The Central Advisory Board,

b) Founding departments: Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University, Energy Systems Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering,

c) Merkez (KAREN): Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Energy Efficiency Application and Research Center,

ç) Manager: Director of the Center,

d) Rector: Rector of Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University,

e) Senate: Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Senate,

f) University: Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University,

g) Board of Directors:



Aims and Activities of Center

Objectives of the Center

ARTICLE 5 -  (1) The objectives of the Center are:

a) will be held in cooperation with the departments of transdisciplinary studies related to energy efficiency and interdisciplinary University of practices in energy efficiency by establishing a center to effectively contribute to the expansion in Turkey.

b) To conduct research on the efficient use of energy, and to carry out joint studies with national and international institutions and organizations, including other universities, conducting educational activities.

c) To provide a working environment with non-university organizations by conducting research and development activities to increase energy efficiency.

ç) To work on increasing energy resources and energy efficiency for the protection of the environment.

d) To work on easing the burden of energy costs on the budget.

e) To contribute to the establishment of energy efficiency reports in the buildings / systems in the university campus areas and to carry out activities to increase energy efficiency in the buildings / systems owned by the University.

f) To prepare reports on energy efficiency reports and their evaluation.

g) To collect and analyze scientific data on energy, energy management and energy efficiency.

Areas of activity

ARTICLE 6 -  (1) The activities of the Center are as follows:

a) Under the Energy Efficiency Law No. 5627 of 18/4/2007, to carry out energy manager training and certification activities in charge of carrying out energy management activities in industrial enterprises and buildings.

b) To measure the energy resources of the country, including the renewable energy resources, to prepare feasibility and sample application projects; develop pilot projects in cooperation with local government and non-governmental organizations.

c) To carry out research and development activities related to the efficiency in the production, distribution and consumption stages of energy.

d) To carry out activities in order to improve energy awareness and to benefit from new energy technologies throughout the society by providing awareness and education services related to energy and energy efficiency.

d) To carry out activities to improve effective and efficient cooperation between the University and public institutions and organizations, private sector and non-governmental organizations on energy.

e) To monitor and evaluate the works and developments in the field of energy and efficiency in the country and in the world, to determine the objectives and priorities in research and development in accordance with the needs and conditions of the country.

f) To provide consultancy services in the field of energy and efficiency to public institutions, industrial enterprises and other energy companies.

g) To cooperate with universities and other research institutions and international organizations at home and abroad, to carry out joint projects and joint works.

i) Organize and attend seminars, conferences, congresses, symposiums and similar scientific meetings at national and international level.

h) To follow studies in the energy efficiency field, universities and R & D activities in the field of energy in Turkey a coordination center to assist in the execution.

ı) To carry out information studies on energy efficiency and management at all levels of students, academic staff and other university staff in cooperation with the relevant units / departments of the University, and to make directive and integrative arrangements for research and development activities on this subject.

i) To examine the energy generating and consuming all the counters within the university, to examine the energy losses, to analyze the energy bills, to update the annual tons of equivalent petroleum (TEP) values ​​of the university, to analyze the energy production and consumption distribution.

j) To conduct market research related to the preparation and implementation of energy studies and efficiency enhancing projects (VAP), to prepare a report on the problems that may arise in preparing and implementing the agreements.

k) To conduct periodic energy studies according to the legislation and to evaluate the results.

l) To contribute to the creation of economic and environmentally sensitive designs in energy production, transmission and distribution.

m) To analyze the results by making measurements / measurements at the points required for the determination of energy losses.

n) To evaluate the efficiency of lighting fixtures and other equipment used in interior and exterior spaces. 

o) To give opinions to the relevant units in the preparation of the specifications for energy efficiency in buildings.

ö) To conduct scientific studies on energy management and efficiency, and to produce projects on these issues.

p) To investigate the possibilities of changing the energy composition and the use of alternative fuels; to prepare measures to protect the environment, to reduce emissions and to not exceed the limit values.

r) To identify and promote measures and procedures for the improvement of consumption habits and prevention of waste, and to organize training programs where necessary.

s) To prepare plans for energy needs and efficiency-enhancing practices, budget needs, cost and benefit analysis.

ş) To supervise the efficiency of energy facilities in the university campus by analyzing the energy production and transmission.

t) To carry out other activities determined by the Board of Directors within the scope of the objectives of the Center.

u) To perform other duties to be given by the Rectorate in accordance with the purposes of the Center.


Governing Bodies and Duties of the Center

Governing bodies of the Center

ARTICLE 7 -  (1) The governing bodies of the Center; It consists of the Director and the Board of Directors.


ARTICLE 8 -  (1) The Director shall be appointed by the Rector for a period of three years from among the faculty members of the founder departments, who work in matters related to the work area of ​​the Center. The expired Manager may be reinstated.

(2) The Director is responsible to the Rector for all activities of the Center. In the event that the Director leaves office before completing his term, a new Director is appointed by the Rector for 3 years under the same procedure.

(3) The Director shall submit to the approval of the Rector for the appointment of a maximum of two persons from the faculty of the university to serve as Deputy Director in order to assist him in the work related to the Center.

(4) The deputy directors shall carry out the duties of the Director. When the Director is absent, he / she acts as a substitute for a deputy director appointed by the Director. When the director's task is over, the deputy director's duty ends automatically.

Director's duties

ARTICLE 9 -  (1) The duties of the Director are:

a) to represent the center.

b) to chair the Board of Directors.

c) To carry out the work of the Center in accordance with its objectives.

ç) Call the Board of Directors for a meeting and prepare the meeting agenda.

d) To ensure the regular execution and development of the work of the Center.

e) Carry out administrative and financial affairs of the Center.

f) To supervise the activities of the Center and to inform the Board of Directors in this regard.

g) To investigate the possibilities of cooperation with institutions and organizations, universities and similar centers in Turkey and abroad.

ğ) To determine the needs, software, equipment, calibration costs, equipment, stationery, furnishing and consumables and similar needs of the Center and to submit it to the approval of the Rector.

h) To provide job description, division of labor and assignments in order to ensure timely and effective tasks in the units and laboratories of the Center.

ı) To make initiatives to develop the financial resources of the Center and to use them in the most appropriate way.

i) To submit to the approval of the Rector the appointment of the required persons within the Center if the Center needs it.

j) To provide all kinds of communication and coordination necessary for the best execution of the projects, courses and other activities carried out within the center.

k) To prepare an activity report and work program for the following year at the end of each year and submit it to the Rector for approval after receiving the opinion of the Board of Directors.

Board of Directors

ARTICLE 10 -  (1) Board of Directors; The program consists of five members, two of whom are appointed by the Rector, among the faculty members who are working in the Center's field of work.

(2) The term of office of the members of the Board of Directors shall be three years and the members whose term of office has expired may be reinstated. The new members are replaced by the Rector by the same method. The Director is the chairman of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors meets with absolute majority and decisions are taken by majority vote.

Duties of the Board of Directors

ARTICLE 11 -  (1) The Board of Directors; at least every two months, upon the call of the Director. The duties of the Board of Directors are:

a) To organize the work of the Center in accordance with this Regulation and the purpose of the establishment.

b) To discuss and resolve the annual work report and annual work program on the work of the Center.

c) To discuss and decide on any issues that may be brought by the members of the Board of Directors or the Director.

ç) To take necessary measures for the effective execution of the work programs of the Center.

d) To make financial arrangements of the activities to be carried out within the center.


Miscellaneous and Final Provisions

Coordination groups

ARTICLE 12 -  (1) Coordination groups may be formed by the Board of Directors in order to perform the works more efficiently for one or more service branches. Matters related to the duties, term of office, qualifications and number of persons of a coordination group are determined by the Board of Directors.

Spending Authority

ARTICLE 13 -  (1) The authorizing officer of the Center is the Rector. The Rector may delegate this authority to the Director to the extent he deems appropriate.

Staff needs

ARTICLE 14 -  (1) The academic, technical and administrative personnel needs of the Center shall be met by the staff appointed by the Rector according to Article 13 of the Law No. 2547.

Circumstances without provision in the regulation

ARTICLE 15 -  (1) In cases where there are no provisions in this Regulation, the provisions of other relevant legislation are applied.


ARTICLE 16 -  (1) This Regulation shall enter into force on the date of its publication.


ARTICLE 17 -  (1) The provisions of this Regulation shall be executed by the Rector of Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University.