The Pharmacy Services Program is a two-year associate degree program within the Health Services Vocational School of universities. Students who graduate from the program are given the title of "Pharmacy Services Technician". Pharmacy Services aims to train technicians who have the necessary knowledge and equipment to provide service in this field as the auxiliary personnel needed by the pharmacy and pharmaceutical sector, who ensure that the drugs in the prescriptions are prepared and presented correctly under the supervision of the pharmacist and who provide the necessary information about other medical products, who will assist the pharmacist in keeping pharmacy records and communicating with patients. Candidates who will choose this program must be individuals with strong human relations and communication skills, be cheerful, understand the other person, be careful, devoted, focused on problem solving, and have the ability to plan. Students studying in the Pharmacy Services program take theoretical and practical courses such as “Physiology, General Chemistry, Medical Terminology, Basic Microbiology, Pharmacology, Drug Information in Pharmacy Services, Disease Information, Drug Forms and Medical Materials, Cosmetics, Natural and Non-Drug Products, Biochemistry, Pharmacy Services Applications” during their 2-year associate degree education.
Ermenek Uysal and Hasan Kalan Health Services Vocational School Pharmacy Services program was opened in the 2020-2021 academic year.
Degree to be Obtained
Students who successfully complete this program are entitled to receive an associate degree in Pharmacy Services.
Admission Requirements
Determined by ÖSYM in accordance with the relevant legislation of YÖK.
Transition to the Next Level
Our students who graduate from this program, with the vertical transfer exam (DGS) organized by ÖSYM;
-Emergency Aid and Disaster Management
-Chemical Engineering
-Health Management
-Social Service
they can complete their undergraduate education by earning the right to continue their education in departments.
Graduation Requirements
To be successful in all courses at the end of 4 semesters and to be successful in the summer internship.
Graduate Employment
Students who graduate from this department can work in various workplaces including pharmacies in state hospitals, pharmacies in university hospitals, training and research hospitals, private pharmacies, pharmaceutical manufacturing companies, pharmaceutical sales companies.
Pharmacy Services Program Graduates' Duties
Delivering medicines on prescriptions written by doctors to the patient correctly, Informing the patient or the patient's relative about the use of medicines, Providing information about medicines that can be sold without a prescription, Paying attention to occupational health and safety, Informing the pharmacist about missing medicines and products, Placing incoming medicines and products on the shelf correctly, Regularly maintaining the tools and devices used continuously in the pharmacy, Placing the names and addresses of the pharmacies that will be on duty in the display case so that they are visible from the outside, Welcoming incoming customers and asking for their requests, Ensuring the necessary sterilization in the pharmacy, Collecting the necessary materials for some medicine mixtures prepared specifically for the patient and preparing these medicines under the supervision of the pharmacist, Assisting the pharmacist in the supply of medicine raw materials, Regularly checking the expiration dates of medicines and similar products in the pharmacy, removing expired products, Performing medicine records in the provision system, Recording prescriptions in the registry, Keeping records of prescriptions related to medicines that need to be followed, Archiving the documents that need to be kept in an orderly manner, To ensure that the time is clean and tidy, To participate in seminars, meetings, conferences and congresses related to the field in order to improve oneself