Coordinatorship of the Institution of Erasmus




1-Application form

2-Learning Agreement

3-3 Photos (passport form)

4-Transcript of Records

5-Letter of Intent



Turkey is a non-EU country, so every one of incoming Erasmus students DO NEED A STUDENT VISA! When you have filled in and sent us all the necessary documents for admission you will hopefully be accepted and a Letter of Acceptance will be sent to you by the International Office of Adnan Menderes University. You will for sure need this Letter of Acceptance for the visa procedure and also for your Home Institution.

Please DO NOT FORGET to apply for a Turkish visa (student visa) before you come to Turkey. All you have to do is to visit the nearest competent Turkish Consulate in your country with the necessary documents the Consulate will require (for the nearest Turkish Consulate please visit the website of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Turkey Please note that you can apply for student visa only if you have received all necessary documents from us. 


Erasmus students should register themselves at the Department of Foreigners (Yabancılar Şubesi) of the Karaman Security Office (Karaman Emniyet Müdürlüğü) within 15 days upon their arrival to Turkey.

Documents required for registration at the Department of Foreigners are as follows:

1)    4 passport size photos,

2)   copy of the passport,

3)   copy of the pages of the passport showing the entry visa to Turkey

4)   documents to be given by the University of the Incoming Student  and by the host university at which the student will spend the Erasmus term,

5)   2 forms to be filled at the Department of Foreigners of the Security Office.

6)   180 Turkish Liras. (80 Euro )


For further information: