Business Administration



Head of Department (or Equivalent)

Assoc. Prof. Rabia ÖZPEYNİRCİ

Department Coordinator of ECTS and Erasmus

Assist. Prof. Oğuzhan AYTAR

Assistant Coordinator

Res. Assist. Umut ÇİL

Secretary of Department


Duration (Years)


Maximum Duration (Years)




Internship Status

No Internship

Graduation Title

Business Administrator


Equally-Weighted (EA)


The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences was founded in 1992 under the Selçuk University, and the Business Administration department started education with 52 students in 1993-1994 academic year. With the establishment of Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University in 2007, it continues its academic activities within this university.

Qualification Awarded

This department is subject to 240 ECTS credits first stage degree system in Business Science in higher education. When the program is completed successfully and the program qualifications are provided, Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration is obtained.

Admission Requirements

Students who wish to enroll in this department must complete the processes / exams determined by ÖSYM within the framework of the academic and legal regulations of the university. A student who has started his education in the equivalent program in Turkey or abroad can apply for transfer. Students' admissions are examined before the semester begins, taking into account the conditions of each student and the degree to which they apply, and are evaluated specially.

Transition to the Upper Level

Graduated students can continue their graduate education by applying to the postgraduate education entrance exam according to Academic Staff and Graduate Education Entrance Exam (ALES), Foreign Language score and graduation average.

Graduation Conditions

To take all the courses in the curriculum determined by the university senate of the undergraduate business administration program and to be successful. In this program, the student must provide a minimum of 240 ECTS credits and of at least a 2.00 GPA.

Employment Opportunities

The department has adopted the aim of contributing to the future of the country by providing quality education to its students and by training managers/human resources with the necessary competencies - such as ability to adapt to their environment, analyze the problems faced with the help of contemporary management approaches, bring rational and scientific solutions to these problems, also equipped with information that can establish its own workplace, make scientific decisions and open to contemporary ideas and developments - that can work in the public and private sectors. In the Business Administration, students receive comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of management-organization, production management and marketing, accounting-finance, numerical methods and law. In addition, our students are given the opportunity to study for at least one semester in different countries within the framework of ERASMUS, FARABİ and MEVLANA exchange programs with different universities of the world.

Graduates of Business Administration have a wide variety of employment opportunities in the public and private sector.  Our department graduates can work as public inspectors, accountants, controllers, independent accountants and financial advisors, academicians, bankers, assistant accountants, income experts, administrative judges and district governors. In addition to these opportunities, they can work as managers and professionals in various departments of businesses or they can establish their own businesses.

Assessment and Evaluation

Exams are evaluated on a grade of 100. The passing grade is calculated by applying the relative system to the students who take the related course by considering 40% of the midterm exams and 60% of the final exams.