Political Science And International Relations

The Department of Political Science and International Relations offers B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. degrees and the language of instruction of the department is Turkish. The Department currently has 11 full-time academic personnel, including 9 full, associate or assistant professors, and 2 research assistants. 

The Department of Political Science and International Relations aims to provide students the basic conceptual and theoretical framework regarding the discipline which is supported by the knowledge of history, law, economics, and technology. The department supports their students to acquire adequate knowledge of English to follow international literature understand and analyze national and international developments occurring in the globalized international system in the light of history and scientific methods. Students are encouraged to develop their analytical thinking skills, to increase their professional knowledge in thediscipline, to attend conferences and panels, to follow scientific publications and to do internships in organizations.

Students are admitted to the undergraduate program according to their score gained in the nationwide Student Placement Examination. International students are required fulfill requirements as announced by the University for admission.The undergraduate program requires the students to have at least 2.00 GPA and successfully complete 240 ECTS courses to be entitled to graduate.

Students of Master’s degree program are required to complete at least eight courses including seminar course in addition to writing a Master's Thesis. Ph.D. program consists of the phases of at least seven credit courses with a cumulative total of twenty-one credits, one seminar course, the doctoral comprehensive examination, the thesis proposal, thesis work and the defence of the thesis before a jury.

The department has student exchange agreements with some foreign universities in European countries, so students have opportunity to study in a different environment for a semester or more.

The graduates of the department have the opportunity to work in both private and public sector. Our graduates can work at the ministries (e.g., Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Customs and Trade, Ministry of Culture and Tourism), a variety of mass communication institutions and banks, state institutions. They can also take administrative positions in public and private sector organizations, political parties, civil society organizations, and public opinion research companies. 

Head of Department: Prof. Dr. Ali Ayata

Erasmus+ Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yiğit Anıl Güzelipek

Farabi Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yiğit Anıl Güzelipek

MevlanaCoordinator Assist. Prof. Dr. Sabri Aydın