Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture aims to contribute to the training of qualified researchers needed by our country by improving the quality of undergraduate and postgraduate education. In this direction, the Faculty aims to provide its students with the necessary knowledge and skills at a universal level; to train high-level professionals, researchers, experts and academics who have critical thinking skills and who can produce research and projects at international standards. The Faculty has also adopted the principle of presenting the projects produced for the benefit of society and contributing to the development of university-society and university-industry cooperation. In order to achieve this mission, the Faculty values the principles of excellence, cooperation, harmony, efficiency and innovation.
Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University International Journal of Art and Design (KMUIJAD) is an international, open access and peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes qualified articles and reviews in the fields of art and design. The journal accepts articles in Turkish and English and is published twice a year, in June and December.
The main aim of the journal, which is based on the inseparable relationship between art and design disciplines, is to contribute to the holistic approach of these two fields. Just as art cannot survive in today's world without design, design without artistic aesthetics and values will not be able to meet users' expectations. In this context, the journal encourages scholarly studies that address the intersections of these fields by not considering art and design disciplines separately.
Based on the inseparable relationship between art and design disciplines, the main objective of the journal is to contribute to the holistic approach of these two fields. Just as art cannot survive in today's world without design, design without artistic aesthetics and values will not be able to meet users' expectations. In this context, the journal encourages scholarly studies that address the intersections of these fields by not considering art and design disciplines separately.
Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University International Journal of Art and Design (KMUIJAD) aims to contribute to the production of knowledge in these fields by publishing scientific studies by academics and researchers working in the field of art and design. The journal aims to create a pool of knowledge that will support developments in the field of art and design, and in this direction it pays attention to the publication of high quality research and articles with a solid scientific foundation. In doing so, it continues its mission to be a reliable publishing platform for the academic community and scholars working in the field of art and design.
Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University International Journal of Art and Design (KMUIJAD), founded in 2024, is an international academic and peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research and review articles in the fields of art and design. Research articles to be published in the journal should be prepared in accordance with KMUIJAD's publication policy and writing rules and submitted to the editorial board. The journal is published twice a year, in June and December, and is available online. However, at the request of authors or researchers, it will also be available in printed form, provided that the necessary costs are met.
Art and design is a phenomenon without borders, but based on contextuality. The meaning of art and design emerges from an in-depth study and analysis of contextual elements. These contextual elements include the artwork itself, the artist, technical conditions, political and aesthetic approaches, economic foundations and many other elements. Local knowledge can only be considered valuable to the extent that it opens the door to a universal virtue. Therefore, knowledge gained from local examples should focus on answering theoretical and practical questions about the purpose of art's existence.
Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University International Journal of Art and Design is an international peer-reviewed journal with an editorial structure that adopts this philosophy. The journal aims to contribute to the accumulation of artistic knowledge by focusing on all academic issues related to art. In this direction, the development and advancement of art research has been established as a priority goal.
Our journal covers academic studies on a wide range of subjects such as painting, graphic design, visual communication design, fashion and design, textile design, cinema and television, photography, digital arts, new media, cyber culture, visual culture, digital society, digital games, ceramics, sculpture, music, musicology, music technologies, music therapy, architecture, interior design, animation, performing arts, traditional arts, crafts, art history, art philosophy, art sociology, contemporary art, cultural heritage, museology, conservation and restoration. The journal also publishes special issues to support academic studies in all areas of art and design, contributing to the survival of people and subjects related to this field on the academic platform.