1- The articles and studies to be submitted to KMU IJAD Journal should not have been published or submitted for publication anywhere before.
2- Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University International Journal of Art and Design (IJAD) mainly publishes original research, original reviews, extended papers, original translations, book reviews and letters to the editor in the field of social sciences and humanities.
3- The studies submitted to Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University International Journal of Art and Design (IJAD) are carefully and objectively reviewed by the editorial board in the first stage. If the articles sent to IJAD do not comply with the spelling rules, the Editorial Board may reject the articles directly. If the articles are prepared in accordance with the publication and writing rules of IJAD, they are sent to three referees using the 'double-blind' technique. If at least two of the three reviewers give a positive report, the manuscripts will be published in the respective issues after the necessary arrangements have been made.
4- In accordance with the double-blind technique, the authors' names and institutional details are removed from the original text and sent to referees who are experts in their field. Reviewer information will not be shared with authors and author information will not be shared with reviewers under any circumstances.
5- The review process is set at a maximum of 30 days. For the manuscripts sent to the referee for evaluation but not returned, a new referee will be appointed and the referee process for the study will be restarted. The membership of the referee board of the referee who does not evaluate the work sent to him within the given period will be taken into consideration by the journal management.
6- The current situation should be stated as a footnote at the bottom of the first page of the studies supported by any institution or organisation or prepared from master's or doctoral theses sent to Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University International Journal of Art and Design (IJAD).
7- When the articles submitted to Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University International Journal of Art and Design (IJAD) are sent to the authors for the purpose of making the necessary corrections after the referee process, the author cannot make any additions or subtractions that are outside the referee's recommendations and change the original text.
8- The final version of the articles sent to Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University International Journal of Art and Design (IJAD) and deemed suitable for publication in accordance with the referee's suggestions will be sent back to the author for review. After the author's control, the works whose referee process is completed will be published based on the date of arrival.
9- All rights of the articles sent to Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University International Journal of Art and Design (IJAD) are considered to be transferred by the author to the journal. This process does not require the author's signature and approval. Works uploaded to the system are transferred to IJAD with all rights.
10- The responsibility (rules of scientific ethics, plagiarism, etc.) of the articles sent to Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University International Journal of Art and Design (IJAD) lies unilaterally with the author or authors. IJAD cannot be put under any obligation in this regard.
11- Articles submitted to Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University International Journal of Art and Design (IJAD) will be scanned with plagiarism detection software called 'iThenticate' or 'Turnitin'.  In cases where the plagiarism rate is exceeded, the Editorial Board has the authority to take the necessary sanctions. Papers may be rejected for this reason.
12- Please note that the works that do not comply with the above rules will not be evaluated under any circumstances.
13- You can also send your articles that you want to be published in Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University International Journal of Art and Design (IJAD) to (e-mail will be received, journal domain address will be received).