Program Teaching Objectives

Map and Cadastre Program/Program Teaching Objectives


TO1: Providing the necessary professional calculation skills with the help of mathematical and trigonometric formulas, using data obtained through various measurement methods in the field and in the office.

TO2: Providing the ability to read information on maps or mark any information on a map.

TO3: In addition to classical surveying techniques, acquiring reading and interpretation skills on the produced map by taking part in photogrammetric map production processes.

TO4: Performing the necessary reconnaissance work on the land to be mapped, making the necessary measurements in accordance with various map making techniques, collecting relevant attribute information on the measured details, and acquiring the skills to draw the map of the measured land both manually and in a computer environment in accordance with the "Large Scale Map and Map Information Production Regulation".

TO5: Gaining individual and team work discipline, self-confidence, being able to stand on one's own two feet, assimilating professional ethical values ​​and gaining social responsibility awareness.