Program Outputs

Map and Cadastre Program/Program Outputs


PO1. Makes the necessary professional calculations with the help of mathematical and trigonometric formulas, using data obtained through various measurement methods in the field and in the office.

PO2. Gains the ability to read information on maps or mark any information on a map.
PO3. Takes part in map production processes with modern and classical land surveying tools, reads and interprets the produced map.
PO4. Conducts the necessary reconnaissance work on the land to be mapped, makes the necessary measurements in accordance with various map making techniques, and collects relevant attribute information on the measured details.
PO5. Gains individual and team work discipline. Gains the habits of self-confidence, standing on one's own two feet, and taking responsibility.
PO6. Draws the map of the measured land, both manually and in computer environment, in accordance with the measurement method, by using the measurements and calculations made, in accordance with the Large Scale Map and Map Information Production Regulation.
PO7. Follows the changes in the cadastral maps and plans, updates the plans and documents by measuring the changes that occur on the land, and contributes to the solution of any legal problems related to the real estate.
PO8. Collects, analyzes, evaluates and manages the necessary data regarding real estate, taking into account urban developments.
PO9. Gains the awareness of benefiting from today's developing technologies, adapting to innovations, lifelong learning and accessing information in field and office work.
PO10. Develops the ability to prepare, manage, implement, present and express oneself in projects.
PO11. Has no difficulty in adapting by having knowledge about the organizational structures of public institutions and private sectors working on surveying.
PO12. As an individual who has reached professional ethical awareness, gains the ability to comprehend, adopt and implement social, cultural and societal responsibilities.