Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi/


 III. International Conference on Basic Education
ICBE - 2024
Congress Themes
  • Alternative Approaches / Different Models
  • Parent Education and Family Involvement
  • Physical Education and Teaching through Games
  • Instruction in Integrated Classrooms and Mobile Education
  • Children's Literature
  • Children's Rights
  • Children and Media
  • Values Education and Ethics
  • Disadvantaged/At-Risk Children and Education
  • Education Policies
  • Education and Teaching Programs
  • Education Management and Supervision
  • Good Practice Examples in Education
  • Measurement and Evaluation in Education
  • Erasmus+ and eTwinning Projects
  • Early Literacy and Teaching Initial Reading and Writing
  • Science and Technology Education
  • Development and Evaluation
  • Physical Education
  • Life Skills and Social Studies Education
  • Inclusive Education
  • Integration Education
  • Mathematics Education
  • Out-of-School Learning and Sustainability
  • Play and Drama
  • Teacher Training and Employment
  • Special Education
  • Guidance and Psychological Counseling
  • Arts Education (Music and Visual Arts)
  • Classroom Management
  • Technology and Innovation
  • Current Issues in Basic Education
  • Turkish Language Teaching
  • Foreign Language Education/Instruction