Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi/

Paper Submission Rules

CONGRESS LANGUAGE: Official congress languages are Turkish and English. All presentations should be in Turkish or English. Presenting authors should select the preferred language of presentation at the time of abstract submission.
ABSTRACT SUBMISSION: All submitted abstracts should be in English or Turkish. Abstract submission guidelines can be viewed by clicking the abstract submission button. Guidelines for full texts will be announced later.
ABSTRACT ACCEPTANCE: All submitted abstracts sent by the participants will be evaluated by the members of the scientific committee with double-blind refereeing.
PRESENTATION FORMATS: Authors are welcome to submit their presentations either in oral paper presentation or poster presentation formats. Presentations can be made face-to-face or online. Participants should mark their preferences on this subject from the relevant button in the congress registration system.
Oral Presentation
Participants should make their oral presentations within 20 minutes (15 minutes of oral presentation + 5 minutes of question/answer session). There will be a computer with Microsoft Power Point and a projector for the participants to use in the halls where the presentation will be held. For other technical requirements, please contact utek2024@kmu.edu.tr via e-mail.
Poster Presentation
Participants will have the opportunity to exhibit and share the poster presentations they have prepared at the time and in the hall specified in the Congress Program.
For poster and oral paper writing rules, they can get more information by clicking the "full text spelling rules" button on the main menu.
Further assistance
If you require further assistance regarding practical matters, please contact the organizing committee.