Faculty of Education

Department Of Mathematics & Science Education



Teaching profession is a profession with its own principles, methods and practices. In this context, the primary goal of Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Department of Mathematics and Science Education is to train teachers with field-specific technological equipment and current professional skills required by the time.

In the Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Mathematics Education Department, Primary Education Mathematics Education Program continues education activities at the undergraduate level. The quota of the program, which started to recruit students in the 2017-2018 academic year, was determined as 50 students. In addition, the Department of Mathematics and Science Education, which has started accepting students since the fall semester of the 2019-2020 academic year, continues its postgraduate education activities with the Master of Science Program in Science Education.

A total of 11 academic staff work in the Department of Mathematics and Science Education. 7 of them work in the Department of Mathematics Education, 1 is Professor, 1 is Associate Professor, 3 are Doctor Lecturer and 2 are Research Assistants. In the Science Education Department, our staff is shaped as 1 Professor and 3 Doctor Lecturer.


Elemantary Mathematics Education

The main purpose of the program is to educate mathematics teachers with a good self- image, an outgoing personality, a sense of humor and an interest in helping their students to understand mathematics in a meaningful way. In addition, the program also aims to develop teachers with a sound understanding of how children learn mathematics; confident in using technology; capable in problem-solving; attentive to human rights, democracy, and ethics. The program emphasizes critical thinking, personal reflection, and professional development of preserves mathematics teachers.

Graduates of the Department of Mathematics Education, Department of Primary Education Mathematics Teaching, who actively take students in our department, can be appointed as a Primary Education Mathematics Teacher with the title of "Mathematics Teacher" under the Ministry of National Education. In addition, our graduates who want to teach abroad or want to work in different areas of the education sector can work in these areas if they meet the required conditions. In addition to this, our graduates who want to do academic research both in Turkey and abroad in elementary mathematics education or other areas related to education have the opportunity to work as academicians (research assistants, lecturers) in the academic units of universities as long as they meet the necessary conditions.

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