Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi



The United States of America, which officially declared the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel recently, got a big blow to regional and world peace with the decision to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The fact that this decision was made to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the Nekbe (Day of the Disaster) reveals how incredible the provocation is.

The United States and its regional ally terrorist Israel, ignoring international law, the United Nations resolutions, the historical and social realities of the region, and furthermore pushing the boundaries of conscience and reasoning, take part in a big crime.

The attacks carried out yesterday by the genocide terrorist Israel against the innocent Palestinian people and many Muslim Palestinians losing their lives during these attacks will go down in history as a shame and disgrace again.

Yesterday, the blood of innocent, honorable, clean and blessed Jerusalem was shed. Again yesterday a bomb was laid on the peace of mankind, trust, freedom of opinion and difference, feeling of holding on to life, all human values and beliefs.

These unconscious actions, in which the dignity of humanity is violated, Jerusalem, the three religions’ sacred place, is polluted and the peace of the world is threatened, will find their place in the hearts of all common-sense people and in the parliaments and senates of the states that haven’t lost courage.

As Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Senate, we condemn this deliberate, reckless, embarrassing event; we wish mercy and grace for the Muslim Palestinian brothers, who are martyred, from God; we want to express condolences to all Palestinians and the Islamic world.

As the children of a nation which brought justice, peace and trust to the world for centuries, we will keep rooting for the underdog, saying stop to those murderers and criminals engorging themselves with blood and tears and increasing our voices against injustice with the strength and inspiration that we took from our history.

We wish that this bloody day will not occur again and we declare that we are ready to do whatever we can do for our Muslim brothers and sisters together with our Turkish nation as an academic community.

Respectfully announced to the public