Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi/



To contribute to the production of policies related to social problems by producing professional knowledge and experiences obtained by using scientific methods and techniques that will contribute to the national and international scientific knowledge in the field of social services and by creating social service applications based on evidence and information and service models.



It is to be an efficient and effective scientific institution in interaction with internal and external stakeholders at local, national and international levels.


Department of Social Work

Social work is a profession that contributes to social change, problem solving, empowerment and emancipation in order to increase the well-being of individuals, families, and communities. Social work intervenes at the point where people interact with their environment by taking advantage of human behavior and social system theories. Graduates of the program are awarded the title "social worker".


The social work department conducts an education and training program aimed at educating professionals, who will be able to conduct successful studies at national and international levels and provide services for social works within the framework of their occupational responsibilities in social sciences, social service methods and techniques.


The aim of the department is to train planners, organizers, administrators, researchers and practitioners of social services in social works at various levels, participating in social policy and planning, having knowledge and skills about the basic social structure, problems and social service methodology of the country. The trained individuals work as "social workers" who have regulatory, planner, enforcement, and effective communication and leadership qualifications in rural and urban areas, public, private sector and non-governmental organizations.


Department of Social Work

-Social Issues Department

-Social Development and Social Policy Department


Study Fields of Social Work Undergraduate Programs

Nowadays social workers are working in the following institutions and organizations.


  • Ministry of Family and Social Policy
  • General Directorate of Youth and Sports
  • State Planning Organization
  • General Secretariat of Social Aid Encouragement Fund
  • Provincial and District Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundations
  • Children's Halls
  • Children's houses
  • Nursery and Day Care Homes
  • Orphanage
  • Nursing Homes
  • Community Centers
  • Women's Refuge Houses
  • Rehabilitation Centers
  • Elderly Solidarity Centers
  • Street Children Center
  • Adolescent Advisory Center
  • Ministry of Health
  • Hospitals
  • Health centers
  • Family Planning and Mother and Child Health Centers
  • Ministry of National Education
  • Vocational Training Centers
  • Loan and Dormitories Institution
  • Ministry of Justice
  • Prisons
  • Juvenile Courts
  • Child Education House
  • Forensic Medicine Institute
  • Universities
  • Hospitals
  • Health Culture and Sports Departments
  • Ministry of Finance
  • Ministry of Labor and Social Security
  • In the Ministry of National Defense and its affiliated units
  • In the Ministry of Interior and its affiliated units
  • Local governments and their affiliated units
  • Crisis centers
  • Non-governmental organizations and foundations
  • Private Sector