Mission: To raise midwives that will protect the health of the mother, the newborn and her family, provide care and counseling to the mother and the newborn during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum, and represent the midwifery in all areas.

Vision: To raise midwives who are innovative, creative and pioneering in the field of health services, equipped with scientific knowledge and skills required by the field, adhering to professional ethical principles, known and preferred in the national and international area, sensitive to women and family, and solution oriented.

Purpose of the Program: Making the necessary examinations by diagnosing pregnancy; able to keep tap on the mother and fetus before birth; able to take care of the mother during birth; able to keep tap on the fetus and determine deviations from normal; having a normal birth; able to breech breeding in emergency situations; able to identify abnormal conditions in mother and newborn; who can remove the placenta manually and control the uterus when necessary; able to care and keep tap on the newborn; able to care and keep tap on the mother in the postpartum period, referring to risky situations; able to care for pathological cases in gynecology and obstetrics; participating in family planning practices; to raise midwives who can initiate the maintenance of internal and surgical problems during pregnancy.

Program Language: Program Language is Turkish.

Graduation Requirements: Midwifery undergraduate program certificate is given to students who complete all courses of eight academic session in accordance with the "Midwifery Department Curriculum". Students must complete 240 ECTS credits to obtain a bachelor's degree.

Employment Opportunities: They can work as managers and clinicians in State, Private and University Hospitals. They can work in Family Health and Community Health Centers, they can work by opening private health cabins.

The transition of graduates to the upper level: Specialist Midwife (Master, PhD), They can work as academicians in universities.