Audiology is generally expressed in the sense of hearing. However, audiology is a much broader science and health field and it is more appropriate to define it as: '' Audiology deals with normal hearing and balance functions; in conjunction with these studies to prevent hearing and balance disorders; specific test methods and applications for evaluating and determining hearing and balance disorders; rehabilitative approaches, including the selection and implementation of appropriate devices depending on the identified disorder. "Audiology graduates are given the title "audiologist".


The audiologist title refers to "A graduate of faculties or higher education institutions that provide undergraduate education in the field of audiology" within the context of "Law on Making Amendments to Certain Laws and Decrees on the Laws" numbered 6225 on 26 April 2011. An audiologist is a health profession responsible for the prevention of hearing and balance disorders and hearing disorders in individuals, diagnosing and directing the patient for treatment, hearing, detecting equilibrium disorders, rehabilitating and determining the devices used for these purposes. "


Regulation on new job and job descriptions of audiologists within the scope of the Regulation Regarding the Jobs and Job Descriptions of Health Care Professionals and Other Health Care Workers, which was published by the Ministry of Health and published on the official gazette on Thursday, May 22, 2014;


Duties and Responsibilities of Audiologists



  1. Identification, selection and programming of devices to be used for the realization and rehabilitation of diagnostic tests and rehabilitation of hearing with the guidance of a specialist physician in the diagnosis of diseases related to hearing and balance.
  2. Conducts studies for the prevention of hearing loss and prevention of hearing loss.
  3. Take part in hearing screening programs and perform tests on these programs.
  4. Make noise measurements and make recommendations about protection of the hearing.
  5.  If the surgeon sees necessary during surgery, he or she will perform hearing and balance nerve monitoring
  6. Performs device adjustments during and after the operation in implanted devices.
  7. Performs auditory perception evaluation and rehabilitation.
  8. Takes part in the preparation of training programs related to hearing.



It is seen that the historical development of the science of audiology is based on the beginning of the 1900's. After the Second World War, most of the wounded suffered head trauma, acoustic trauma and injuries. The consequences of these injuries have been significant in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with numerous hearing and speech-language problems. At the end of the war, this need led to the birth of a new professional group from 1945 to 1950.


First time in Turkey, Hacettepe University in 1967, received audiology student at the master's program and has started to train experts in this field.



It aims to provide the students and the public with the information, clinical service and research conditions at the highest standards and to deal with the problems of hearing and balance in the most correct way and to improve the professional judgment and problem solving skills by the principles of audiology sciences. It also aims to train effective and competence audiologists at the highest level.



The Department of Audiology aims to have a contemporary and independent working ability in cooperation with the spirit of scientific entrepreneurship and interdisciplinary approach, which adopts the principle of information and awareness of people and adopts the principle of national and international leadership in clinical education.



Department of Audiology has wide range job opportunities. The graduates may work at institutions such as the Ministry of Health, hospitals and clinics, schools for hearing impaired, special education centers, universities, hearing aids and implant firms, factories and industrial establishments and research institutes and institutions. They can also conduct academic studies at universities, in postgraduate programs in the field of audiology.