Medical Services And Techniques Department / Medical Promotion And Marketing Program

Duration (Years)
Maximum Duration (Years)
 70 N.Ö. / 60 BC
Internship Status
 Yes (30 Workdays Summer Internship)
Graduation Title
 Medical Promotion Staff
Medical Promotion and Marketing Program under the Department of Medical Services and Techniques started education in 2013-2014 as formal education. The student quota of the program is 130. Various classes in different quotas, PC application laboratory, and the opportunities offered by public-private cooperation are among the features of the program.
Degree Awarded
Associate Degree Graduate.
Admission Requirements
OSYM exam result to be placed
Transition to the Upper Level
After the associate degree education, undergraduate education can be started with DGS exam. Sections that can be passed with DGS:
-       Public relations,
- Public Relations and Publicity,
- Marketing,
-       International trade,
- International Trade and Finance,
- International Trade and Management
It is also possible for them to continue their open education undergraduate education.
Graduation Conditions
To provide 120 ECTS, to have at least 2.00 GPA and all courses in the curriculum.
Employment Opportunities
Medical Promotion and Marketing Program graduates; in their professional lives, they have the opportunity to be employed as medical sales representatives in national and international pharmaceutical companies, medical companies and pharmaceutical warehouses. Our students who graduate from our program are very advantageous in terms of employment opportunities and achieving career goals in line with their career goals. The most important reason for this; Although the health sector is a large sector, it is the absence of another program where students are trained by giving marketing and medical information together. Internship and application opportunities of students who will study in the said program: Our students have the opportunity to do internship and practice in pharmaceutical companies, medical companies, pharmaceutical warehouses. In the curriculum, there are 30 working days professional internships that students have to do. Students will also become conscious and prepared for the sector by transforming their theoretical knowledge into practice with practical courses.