Faculty of Literature



            Today, psychology departments are opened in many universities due to reasons such as increasing interest in psychology, needing for psychology graduates in working life, and the awareness that the spiritual aspect of human beings should also be taken into account. In The Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University, with the decision taken in the meeting of the Council of Higher Education on 19.11.2008, the Psychology department was established under the roof of the Faculty of Literature. The department has five departments: social psychology, experimental psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, developmental psychology, and clinical psychology. In our department, where one faculty member is currently working, in order to increase the number of academic staff and begin student recruitment, the necessary efforts have devotedly kept.

          The main mission of the psychology department is to provide students with rich content about both the discipline of psychology and other study fields relating with this discipline (educational psychology, comparative psychology, psychology of religion, personality psychology, forensic psychology, spiritual psychology, sports psychology, etc.) through functional teaching materials. It is among the primary goals of the department that providing a qualified psychology education without sacrificing quality, training students with a formation that is connected to the country-nation-flag, ensuring that they graduate as citizens with the necessary skills to adapt to the globalizing world, and helping them to acquire the necessary academic infrastructure.

          The main vision of the psychology department is that being prestigious department in Turkey and the geography which we are live. For this purpose, the department’s foresights are: to open new subfields of psychology as a main discipline under the department of psychology, to cooperate with universities on the seven continents, to be a department preferred by international students through exchange student programs, to build academic bridges with other countries through stuff exchange programs, to provide the necessary facilities to enable outstanding students for having new opportunities, to introduce the psychology-related practices in Turkish-Anatolian culture to the world through academic publications and to be a cosmopolitan institution by encouraging successful students from other countries to come to our department with the wide range of offered opportunities.