Faculty of Literature




       Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Department of Philosophy was founded in 2015 and since thenhavingan undergraduate program both with anormal and evening teaching.The department of philosophyhas 3 assistant professors and 7researchassistants. There are four mainsub-disciplines of philosophy which include history of philosophy, systematic philosophy and logic, philosophy of religion and history of science.

       Philosophy isthe sum of constructive ideas about humanity and nature within which she puts her life into a meaningful whole.However, the difference between those ideas amounts to the result of their coming out of conscious and deep ideas. The philosophical ideas consist of conceptions, abstractions and incorporate principles and laws via those ideas. The philosophical method is mainly centered on concept analysis and logical investigations but it also uses empirical information provided by the natural sciences. The most significant feature of philosophy is her being an activity based on reason while the aim of this activity is to possess the genuine knowledge whose aim is truth. Philosophical thinking is a movement of ideas which is unbounded. We see the movement of continuous and never ending one while we do philosophy.

       The most significant aim of philosophy department is toprovide students ways to discuss the basic problems of philosophy ranging from past to present and make students cope to deal with problems within philosophical activity with a philosophical eye on contemporary problems and solutions. One of the main aims of the department is to develop students’ capacities of philosophical investigations andcritics in a way independent of the philosophical attitudes based on repetition so that it is an assignment for each student in their philosophical studies to move beyond the repetitive way of studying and move into that of critical one.

       Finally courses in our department are designed to educate students transforming themselves into future academics and teachers of philosophy and to make them have a specific worldview whose content is determined by democratic attitudes. And our department encourages students to gain an interdisciplinary approach combining philosophy with other areas such as psychology, sociology, and literature. In addition to these areas, our department gives a great importance to the study of science with courses such as history of science, philosophy of science and the philosophy of cognitive science.