As a member of Slavic language group of Indo-European language family and as one of the five official languages,which is accepted by the United Nations,Russian language is mother tongue of more than 200 million people. However, Russian language became important because of cultural, political, economic and business connection of Russia with the other European and Asian countries. Taking into account the relations between Russia and our country, it may possible to see this relation started by the era of the Ottoman Empire. In this respect,people who understand and speak Russian very well are needed in our country.
It is necessary to know about the society, culture, history, art and literature in which language is spoken.At this point, as a department of Russian language and literature, our aim is educating individuals, who can understand, speak and write advanced level of Russian, who can approach the language as a linguist and who can absorb the masters of the Russian literature thatleaved mark on their eras suchas Pushkin, Dostoyevski, Tolstoy, Chekhov andabsorb Russian history, culture, art as well. We have also aim to educate individuals, who can make text analysis and literature criticism, use her/his language skills in this way, who is conscious, inquisitive andobjective.
The students that graduated from Department of Russian Language and Literature can work in the Ministry of foreign affairs, relevant departments of universities, translation agencies, publishing companies, national and international firms.