Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi/ Ahmet Keleşoğlu Faculty of Dentistry

Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Ahmet Keleşoğlu Dentistry Faculty Education-Teaching And Exam Regulation

Initial Provisions
Purpose and scope
ARTICLE 1– (1) The purpose of this Regulation is to regulate the procedures and principles to be applied in education-training, registration, examination and graduation at Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Ahmet Keleşoğlu Faculty of Dentistry.
(2) This Regulation covers the provisions regarding the education-training and examinations of students registered at Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Ahmet Keleşoğlu Faculty of Dentistry.
ARTICLE 2– (1) This Regulation was prepared based on Articles 14 and 44 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547 dated 4/11/1981.
ARTICLE 3– (1) In this Regulation;
a) Department board: The relevant department board of Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Ahmet Keleşoğlu Faculty of Dentistry,
b) European credit transfer system (ECTS) credit: Credit determined based on workload, taking into account course credits for all courses and practices in a program, theoretical and practical course hours, and the working hours required for other activities foreseen for students,
c) Advisor: The faculty member assigned by the Dean upon the recommendation of the department head to deal with students' education-training and other problems,
ç) Dean: The Dean of Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Ahmet Keleşoğlu Faculty of Dentistry,
d) Course credit: The value expressing all the work that a student must do in order to successfully complete a course, theoretical courses, practices, seminars, individual studies, exams, assignments, projects, internships and similar studies,
e) Faculty: Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Ahmet Keleşoğlu Faculty of Dentistry,
f) Faculty Board: Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Ahmet Keleşoğlu Dental Faculty of Dentistry Faculty Board,
g) Faculty Management Board: Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Ahmet Keleşoğlu Faculty of Dentistry Board,
ğ) Clinical practice: Courses and patient-based practices that have the status of a professional compulsory course and are conducted by one or more departments in the fourth and fifth academic years,
h) Common compulsory course: Atatürk's Principles and Revolution History, Turkish Language and Foreign Language courses specified in Article 5 of Law No. 2547,
ı) Rector: Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Rector,
i) Senate: Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Senate,
j) Internship: Professional clinical practices conducted as intern training in the fifth academic year,
k) University: Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University,
l) University Management Board: Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Management Board,
Principles Regarding Student Admission and Registration
Student admission and registration requirements
ARTICLE 4– (1) Student registrations to the faculty are made in accordance with the principles to be determined by the Council of Higher Education and the Interuniversity Board. Registration to the faculty is made by the candidate himself/herself, face to face or via e-Government. Registration is not made by mail. However, candidates who cannot apply in person due to excuses can register within the legal registration period through their proxy with a notary power of attorney or their legal representatives. The requirements sought for students who will register are as follows:
a) Having gained the right to register to the faculty in that academic year through the central placement system or the foreign student exam as a result of the exam/exams conducted by the Presidency of the Assessment, Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM).
b) Having met the requirements specified in the ÖSYM guide for registration.
c) Not being registered in another formal program at the same level for the person who has gained the right to register.
(2) After registration, the Student Affairs Department issues a student certificate and student ID card to students.
(3) Legal action will be taken against those who make false statements. These students will not be registered, and their registrations will be cancelled.
Student status
ARTICLE 5– (1) Only full-time students are accepted to the faculty. In order for a student to benefit from student rights and exemptions and to take exams, they must have registered or renewed their registration at the beginning of each year/semester.
Registration renewal
ARTICLE 6– (1) Students must register for courses by fulfilling the requirements stipulated in Article 46 of Law No. 2547 within the period specified in the academic calendar at the beginning of each academic year/semester and have their advisor approve them.
(2) Students who fail to meet the relevant requirements and register for courses within the periods specified in the academic calendar will not be able to continue their education in that academic year.
cannot benefit from student rights, attend classes or take exams during that academic year. This period is counted as the education-training period specified in Law No. 2547. If a student does not register for a course due to a legitimate and valid excuse, the Faculty Board of Directors decides to renew his/her registration if he/she applies with a petition stating his/her excuse by the last application date specified in the academic calendar for excused course registrations. The student is responsible for all registration renewal procedures.
(3) A new course can be selected or a selected course can be dropped with the approval of the student advisor within the period specified in the academic calendar.
(4) A student who registers for a course is considered to be registered in that year's course program and gains the right to attend classes. A student who fails a class registers only for the courses he/she failed for the same class and is held responsible only for these courses. He/she cannot take courses from the next grade.
(5) Registration renewal procedures for foreign students are carried out within the framework of the relevant legislation and the procedures and principles determined by the University.
Principles Regarding Education and Training
Education and training period
ARTICLE 7– (1) Faculty education and training consists of five years, each covering one academic year, and each year consists of two semesters, namely fall and spring. Those who successfully complete the program are awarded a dentistry diploma.
Education and training year
ARTICLE 8– (1) Education and training at the Faculty is conducted according to the academic calendar determined by the Faculty Board and approved by the Senate.
Education and training programs and types
ARTICLE 9– (1) Courses are given in the form of theoretical, practical, laboratory application, clinical application, field and similar study programs. Clinical applications are carried out in clinics within the Faculty.
(2) Formal education is applied in the Faculty according to the year principle and education is provided with the class passing system. Students who fail professional compulsory courses and elective courses repeat the courses they failed and cannot take courses from the next grade.
Education-training periods and plans
ARTICLE 10– (1) Education-training periods consist of fall and spring semesters. A semester cannot be less than 14 weeks or more than 19 weeks. Exams administered at the end of the semester/year and make-up exams are excluded from this period.
(2) The total ECTS credits in the dentistry program are at least 300.
(3) Clinical practice programs may exceed the period of the academic calendar related to theoretical education and exams. Semester periods may be extended with the recommendation of the Faculty Board and the approval of the Senate.
(4) The weekly course program, clinical practice program and groups prepared in accordance with the academic calendar determined with the recommendation of the Faculty Board and the approval of the Senate are announced by the Dean's Office at the beginning of the academic year. Summer term clinical make-up practice programs are organized for students who have met the attendance requirement within the academic calendar and whose clinical practices determined by the departments are deemed insufficient.
Language of instruction
ARTICLE 11– (1) The language of instruction is Turkish. However, education may be provided in a foreign language, completely or partially, upon the recommendation of the relevant boards, the decision of the Senate and the approval of the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education.
Courses and Exams
Course types
ARTICLE 12– (1) Courses consist of professional compulsory courses, common compulsory courses, elective courses, practical courses, clinical practice courses and internships. The principles regarding these are stated below:
a) Professional compulsory courses; are the courses that students are required to take.
b) Common compulsory courses; are the Turkish Language, Atatürk's Principles and Revolution History and Foreign Language courses included in Article 5, first paragraph, subparagraph (ı) of Law No. 2547, and are planned to last at least two semesters each.
c) Elective courses; are the courses determined under the guidance of advisors, taking into account the students' requests. These courses are professional elective courses and general elective courses.
ç) Practical courses; have the status of professional compulsory courses. The principles regarding applied courses are as follows:
1) In applied courses, each student is required to carry out a certain number and quality of applied studies each year within the prescribed period or to complete and submit them within the given make-up period. At the beginning of the academic year, the relevant department announces the make-up period to be given at the end of each applied study or at the end of the semester.
2) The form, type, quality and number of applied studies are announced to students by the department of that course at the beginning of the academic year. Students who cannot complete these studies within the given period cannot take the end-of-year exam. The relevant department gives a new make-up period for students who could not complete their studies before the make-up exam. Students who could not complete their studies during this make-up period cannot take the make-up exam and are considered to have failed that course. They repeat the relevant application course in the next academic year.
d) Clinical application courses; are compulsory professional courses and are courses and patient-based practices conducted by one or more departments in the fourth academic year. In addition; The type, type, quality and number of practical work on patients in dental vocational education clinical studies are determined by the department of that course and announced before the beginning of the academic year. Students who are absent from any clinical practice repeat this clinical practice course in the next academic year. Students who are successful in practical work on patients in clinical practices in that academic year are considered to have passed the relevant clinical practice if they also pass the clinical practice course exams during and/or at the end of the clinical practice. If the number of clinical practice courses they fail does not exceed 4, students who fail to pass will remain in the summer term clinical make-up practice. The principles regarding the summer term clinical make-up practice are as follows:
1) Summer term clinical make-up practices; It is a make-up practice granted to students who have met the attendance requirement within the academic calendar and who cannot fulfill their obligations determined by the departments. A practical practice program is organized at the end of the year for a maximum of 4 clinical practices within the program determined by the Dean's Office for students who are in their fourth academic year and have continued any clinical practice but could not complete their obligations during the practice. Clinical exams are also held within the summer term clinical make-up practices. The summer clinical make-up application period cannot be less than half of the normal clinical application period.
2) If the number of clinical applications that the student cannot fulfill his/her obligations exceeds 4, he/she is considered to have failed the relevant clinical application courses. The student cannot advance to the next grade. The relevant courses are repeated the following year.
e) Internship; Professional clinical applications are considered as internships in the fifth academic year. Each internship is a course. A make-up program is organized for 4 failed internships in the summer term. In case of failure in more than 4 internships, the internships that could not be made up in the summer term and were failed are adapted to the clinical application group in the new academic year.
Attendance requirement
ARTICLE 13– (1) Students are required to attend at least 70% of theoretical courses and at least 80% of practical and clinical applications. Attendance is determined by attendance checks conducted by the faculty members in accordance with the procedures determined by the Dean's Office. Absence is calculated according to the attendance checks made and the total hours of the course in that academic year, with each signature being considered as one course hour.
(2) The status of students who are absent is announced by the relevant faculty member before the end-of-year exams.
(3) A health report does not eliminate the obligation to attend.
(4) If the attendance requirement has been met in the failed theoretical courses, the attendance requirement is not required again in these courses. However, a student who fails a course with an applied course status must meet the attendance requirement in the repetition of the relevant course.
Course exemptions
ARTICLE 14– (1) A student who registers for the first time at the Faculty shall apply for a course exemption for the courses he/she has previously passed at another higher education institution by the end of the first week of each academic year. Students who register at the University after the start of education shall apply for an exemption to the Dean's Office within 1 week from the date of registration. The exemption request shall be finalized by the relevant Faculty Board of Directors within a maximum of 1 week. Until the exemption request is decided by the Faculty Board of Directors, students shall continue the course/courses for which they have requested exemption.
(2) After the student's course exemption request, the adaptation committee shall make a decision in accordance with the opinion of the faculty member of the relevant course and shall adapt the student to the relevant term.
(3) The Faculty Board of Directors decides on the courses from which the student will be exempted and the adaptation status and reports it to the Student Affairs Department.
Assignment of advisors
ARTICLE 15– (1) An advisor is assigned by the Dean's Office at the beginning of the academic year for students who enroll in the university.
(2) The advisor follows up on all kinds of work related to the student's education and training, and assists the student in solving problems related to education and training studies and university life. The provisions of the relevant directive apply to other matters related to the duties of advisors.
ARTICLE 16– (1) Exams are midterm exams, semester/year-end exams, clinical practice exams/internship exams, make-up exams, three-course exams, exemption exams and make-up exams. These exams can be written, oral, written-oral and practical. The Faculty Board decides whether the exams will be held in written, oral or practical form and how the practical and similar clinical studies will be evaluated, upon the proposal of the department or departments responsible for the relevant course.
(2) The exam program is announced at least 2 weeks before the exams. Students attend the exams with their student IDs on the announced day, time and place. Except for official holidays, exams can also be held on Saturdays and Sundays if deemed necessary.
(3) The principles regarding the exams are as follows:
a) Midterm exam; is an exam held at least once on the dates determined for the relevant courses in each semester. The exams of practical, preclinical application/internship courses and clinical application courses can be in the form of a single year/semester-end exam or a midterm exam can be held as announced by the Dean's Office. All midterm exams must be completed 1 week before the end of the courses. In addition to the midterm exam, short-term exams, applications based on the student's skills, clinical bedside treatment and evaluation exams, homework, projects and similar semester-long studies can be held as the basis for the success grade. The contribution rates of these studies to the success grade are determined by the Faculty Board at the beginning of the academic year upon the proposal of the relevant department board and announced to the students. A maximum of three midterm exams can be held in a day from the courses in the program. However, the Faculty Board has the authority to make changes to this number.
b) End-of-year/semester exam; is the exam held at the end of the year/semester in which the relevant course is completed or between the dates specified in the academic calendar. Students who have fulfilled the attendance requirement and have passed the practical exams of the courses that have practical applications can take the end-of-year/semester exam.
c) Clinical practice/internship exams; are exams in which only practical application, only theoretical exam, only written exam or a combination of these are taken.
ç) Supplementary exam; is the exam held after the end-of-year/semester exam of the relevant course. Students who have the right to take the end-of-year/semester exam but did not take the exam, who failed the end-of-year/semester exam, or students who do not have the right to take the end-of-year/semester exam in clinical practice/internship courses but who have participated in the practical applications during the make-up period determined by the Dean's Office according to the criteria announced at the beginning of the academic year by the relevant department can take this exam.
d) Exemption exam; It is the exam administered by the relevant unit to students newly enrolled in the university for the course/courses determined by the Senate at the beginning of the academic year.
e) Make-up exam; It is an exam opened for students who cannot attend midterm exams due to a legitimate and valid reason accepted by the Faculty Board. Students who want to benefit from this exam shall submit the document showing their excuse to the Dean's Office with their petition within 5 working days from the date of receipt. Make-up exams are not opened for end-of-year/semester exams and make-up exams. The date on which the make-up exam will be opened and the program of these exams are determined and announced by the Faculty Board. A separate make-up exam is not opened for make-up exams.
f) Three-course exam; Students who have fulfilled the attendance requirement in order to graduate and have a maximum of three unsuccessful courses left are given the right to take exams for these courses on the dates determined by the relevant unit if they apply with a petition. Students who receive a grade of 60 and above in this exam are considered successful. Students who use their right to take only three-course exams do not pay contribution fee/tuition fee and cannot benefit from student rights.
Determination of success grade
ARTICLE 17– (1) The success status in a course is determined by evaluating the midterm exam and the grade point average of the year/semester end or make-up exam together. Accordingly, the success grade of a course is determined by adding 40% of the midterm/intra-year evaluations and 60% of the midterm/end exam or make-up exam grade and taking two digits after the decimal point.
(2) In order for a student to be considered successful in a course; he/she must take the year-end/make-up exam, receive at least 50 points from the exam and have a letter grade of at least “E” provided that the success average is at least 60 points out of 100.
ARTICLE 18– (1) The success grade of the course is calculated using the relative evaluation method based on the course success average.
(2) Letter grades and success grade coefficients are shown below:
a) Points, grades and success grade coefficients are as follows:

Note Ranges

Success Grade Coefficient



Provision Description








Very good

























b) The meanings of the above letter grades are as follows:
1) “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “E” pass.
2) “FX, F” fail.
3) “DZ” fail due to absence.
Grade Point Average
ARTICLE 19– (1) The general weighted grade point average is calculated by multiplying the coefficients of the latest success grades received from the courses the student has registered for, including the semester he/she has completed since he/she started studying at the Faculty, by the ECTS credits of the course, and dividing the sum of the multiplications by the total ECTS credits of these courses.
(2) The general weighted grade point average for the year is the value obtained by dividing the sum of the multiplications of the coefficient corresponding to the ECTS credits of each course taken in 1 year by the total ECTS credits of all courses taken in that year.
(3) Courses for which the equivalence is accepted and letter grades are determined are included in the general grade point average as of the date of the adjustment process.
Objection to the exam result
ARTICLE 20– (1) The course instructor or the student may request the exam results to be changed in writing on the grounds of a material error within 3 working days from the announcement of the exam results. The instructor teaching the course evaluates the student's request for a grade change within 2 business days at the latest. The Faculty Board of Directors decides on grade changes and grade corrections within 10 business days at the latest.
Announcement of exam results
ARTICLE 21– (1) The instructor must announce the results of the midterm exam within 15 days of the exam date and the results of other exams within 7 days of the exam date.
Storage of exam documents
ARTICLE 22– (1) Documents and minutes related to exams are kept by the relevant instructor for 2 years.
Completion seminar
ARTICLE 23– (1) Completion seminars are studies conducted under the supervision of the course instructor determined by the Dean's Office in order to provide the student with the ability to access information on a subject related to their education, to use the information and to prepare an independent report. This seminar must be at a level that shows that the student can adequately express the results they have reached by conducting a literature review on a subject related to their education. The graduation seminar must be prepared, presented and submitted to the Dean's Office by the end of the second semester of the fifth year.
Freezing registration, canceling or deleting registration
ARTICLE 24– (1) In matters related to freezing registration, canceling or deleting registration, the procedures are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Associate and Undergraduate Education-Teaching and Examination Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 26/6/2009 and numbered 27270.
Student exchange programs
ARTICLE 25– (1) Within the framework of agreements made between the University and a national or international university, students can be sent for 1 or 2 semesters within the scope of the student exchange program. The registration of these students continues at the University during this period and this period is counted as the education-teaching period. These students are considered responsible for the courses they take at the university they study at instead of the courses they are required to take in their own departments for that period. The selection of these courses is made under the supervision of the student advisors and is finalized with the proposal of the relevant department, the Faculty Board Decision and the approval of the relevant unit of the University. The grades received from these courses are converted to the grading system stipulated in Article 18, entered into the student information system and included in the academic average. If there are courses that the student has failed in these courses, the student takes courses that the advisor has not taken in his/her department, and approved by the Faculty Board upon the recommendation of the department head.
(2) The provisions of this Regulation are also applied to students coming from universities within the scope of the same exchange program during the period they study at the Faculty and transcripts are given to them for the courses they have taken. The original names of the courses taken by the student who goes within the scope of the international student exchange program are included in the transcript as is.
Horizontal transfers
ARTICLE 26– (1) Horizontal transfers between diploma programs within the university or from diploma programs in other higher education institutions to these programs are made in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on Transfer Between Associate and Undergraduate Programs in Higher Education Institutions, Double Major, Minor and Inter-Institutional Credit Transfer published in the Official Gazette dated 24/4/2010 and numbered 27561, and additional conditions determined by the Senate. Class adaptation and course exemption procedures of students who make horizontal transfers are carried out by the Faculty Board of Directors.
Miscellaneous and Final Provisions
Graduation and diploma
ARTICLE 27– (1) Students must complete a total of at least 300 ECTS credits required to be eligible for a dentistry diploma. Graduation procedures are completed after the student affairs records are checked and approved by the advisor.
(2) Students who successfully complete their dentistry education are given a dentistry diploma and the title of dentist. In order to be given an associate degree and undergraduate degree, the student must have successfully completed the courses they are required to take and have achieved a general weighted grade point average of at least 2.00.
(3) Students who are decided to graduate are given a graduation transcript showing the courses they have passed, a diploma supplement and a dentistry diploma.
(4) The first business day following the end of the relevant exam period for those who graduated according to the results of the end-of-term and make-up exams, the first business day following the three-course exam for those who graduated according to the results of the three-course exams, and the first business day following the end of the internship for those who graduated at the end of their internship is determined as the graduation date. The date of the board decision on which the adaptation was made is determined as the graduation date for those who graduated as a result of exchange programs, special studentship or summer school adaptation.
(5) The degree of success is not stated in the diploma, it is only written that they were successful and the undergraduate diploma is given by explaining the name of the program. Diplomas are signed by the Rector and the Dean.
(6) A second copy of the diploma, which includes the diploma information and the number of times it was issued, is issued to the student who has lost his/her diploma.
Honor and superior honor certificate
ARTICLE 28– (1) At the end of the program, graduates who have not received a disciplinary penalty and whose graduation grade point average is between 3.00 and 3.49 are given an honor certificate, and graduates who have a graduation grade point average between 3.50 and 4.00 are given an superior honor certificate.
Disciplinary matters
ARTICLE 29– (1) Disciplinary matters and procedures of students are carried out in accordance with Article 54 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547.
(2) The periods of punishment of students who are temporarily suspended from the university are counted as their education period.
ARTICLE 30– (1) All kinds of notifications to students shall be made electronically through the student information system or by sending them to the student’s postal address in the official records or to the e-mail address/declared e-mail address provided to the student by the University, in accordance with the provisions of the Notification Law No. 7201 dated 11/2/1959. Notifications to students who do not have a registered telephone number in the student information system shall be deemed to have been completed by hand delivery or by sending them by post to the address registered in the address registration system. The student is obliged to monitor the messages sent to the e-mail address/declared e-mail address provided by the University and the records made to the student automation system. Records made to the student automation system shall be deemed to be notifications to the student.
(2) If the correspondence address or e-mail address changes, the student must update this change through the student information system. Otherwise, notifications made to the previous address shall result in valid notifications.
Students' clothing in practical and clinical applications
ARTICLE 31– (1) Students wear clothing appropriate to the requirements of the dentistry profession in practical and clinical applications.
Fixed Assets
ARTICLE 32– (1) Students are responsible for the maintenance, cleaning and protection of all laboratory and dental equipment provided and provided to them by the Faculty. The Faculty records the use of the equipment and periodically checks it. If damages and losses resulting from improper use are detected in the records, these losses or damages are compensated by the relevant student or students.
Treatment applications
ARTICLE 33– (1) Clinical students must perform the necessary treatments of patients in the order and understanding determined by the department they are in. All treatment plans of patients and the supply and request of necessary materials are arranged by the relevant department head, and students must comply with this.
Cases not covered by the provision
ARTICLE 34– (1) In cases not covered by this Regulation, the Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Associate and Undergraduate Education-Teaching and Examination Regulation, the Senate and University Board of Directors decisions and other relevant legislation provisions shall apply.
ARTICLE 35– (1) This Regulation shall enter into force on the date of publication.
ARTICLE 36– (1) The Rector of Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University shall execute the provisions of this Regulation.