Ahmet Keleşoğlu Faculty of Dentistry

Department Of Endodontics

Department of Endodontics
It is the department that deals with the morphology, physiology and pathology of the pulp inside the tooth and the periapical tissues around the tooth root. When the pulp tissue (vascular-nerve bundle) becomes diseased for any reason, it shows a low rate of recovery. Therefore, the tissue often needs to be removed. The process of completely removing the vascular and nerve bundle with root canal tools, cleaning the area from various chemicals and microorganisms and then filling it with root canal filling materials is called root canal treatment. Although the most common treatment in our department is root canal treatment; pulp capping and amputation (vital pulp treatments), renewal of old and inadequate root canal treatments (retreatment), treatments of traumatic dental injuries (placing dislocated teeth in their sockets, trauma splints), whitening of discolored teeth (devital whitening), intracanal post applications (post or post-core applications) are performed in order to regain the chewing function of the tooth by utilizing healthy roots.
Our department was established in 2019. It continues its education-training and clinical activities with 2 Assistant Professors. Education-training activities start in the 2nd year as practical and theoretical and continue in the 3rd year as practical and theoretical. Clinical practice (internship) programs are applied to 4th and 5th year students.